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December 23, 2006

wired: jono meko interviu

Short Films From a Long Life: Mekas spoke, in his still-thick Lithuanian accent, with Wired News about the promise of the digital filmmaking tools.


Do you think digital video and the internet can fulfill that promise from the 1960s? Can innovative films lure audiences from Hollywood to independent cinema?

Mekas: Yes, they are already doing that. Not necessarily on their iPods yet, but on DVDs. The edition of Brakhage films that was brought out by Criterion sells very well, thousands of copies. It's maybe not the way he wanted to have them seen, but the quality is good.

Before, through the Film-Makers Co-op, you might show something in the three places where they show independent film in New York and reach 50 people or 300 people. That's it. Now you can make an exchange with everyone.


WN: Do you think digital video and the internet can fulfill that promise from the 1960s? Can innovative films lure audiences from Hollywood to independent cinema?

Mekas: Yes, they are already doing that. Not necessarily on their iPods yet, but on DVDs. The edition of Brakhage films that was brought out by Criterion sells very well, thousands of copies. It's maybe not the way he wanted to have them seen, but the quality is good.

Before, through the Film-Makers Co-op, you might show something in the three places where they show independent film in New York and reach 50 people or 300 people. That's it. Now you can make an exchange with everyone.

[ via abonentas]

December 5, 2006


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