linkfest pirmas šįmet
- Duokit mums babkių!
- My cap was still in vomit, the knee started to hurt more and more making it hard to walk, there was still sand in the wound and I must have smelled like a rotten ass, but I was just happy to be able to eat and lucky to have escaped the pigs in Minsk. Vellu Machine Gun Mikkola pasakoja apie HERO DISHONEST turą praeitą rudenį.
- when spineless hippies have no-one left to fuck over, they'll fuck themselves over just to stay in practice.
- Become your own self appointed one person street team for all the stuff that you give a shit about.
- What motivates these bombers to accept such mission of suicide attacks ?
- Java 1.5 ateina!
- kaip sistemos kopiją su FreeBSD. vat mic pasveix, ir padarysim....
- depingvinatorius, arba kaip sutaisyti sistemą, apsėstą Linux :)
- atspėkit, kas eis dabar su bičiuliais išgert alaus be reikalo?
Dailininkė nupiešusi ši paveikslelį, labai įdomiai atrodė vienam puslapy su juo.
loading @ 2004-01-06 22:46:23