apie užsienio spaudą
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 18:11:08 +0100 From: "11Y4" <ilya@žžž.žž> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;> Subject: [albanai] lietuva uzsienio spaudoje
skaitau cia visokius straipsnius apie referenduma ...
radau nebloga musu premier'o "linksniavima" :)
Algebras Bazookas, the Lithuanian prime minister, was among those to vote by
mail. Speaking to reporters after casting what he assured them was a "yes" vote, Bazookas said he was excited by the progress his country has made since it broke free from the Soviet Union. He expressed hope that membership in the Western bloc would bring new economic and personal opportunities for his country and its people.
net atrodo, kad tycia... Algebras Bazookas toksai "ukininkas-buhalteris su
patranka-bazooka ", a ne ? :))