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BBC Creative Archive

Creative Archive Licence Group

What is the Creative Archive?
The Creative Archive is a BBC led initiative to provide access to public service audio and video archives in a way that allows the British public to find, share, watch, listen and re-use the archive as a fuel for their own creative endeavours. In other words, you can rip, mix and share the BBC.

What's the big deal?
The Creative Archive is significant because for the first time it will be possible for the public to freely access and 'own' a copy of a big slice of British culture that they can use as part of their own creations.


Lietuvos medicina rulez, gyvena streiko salygom. Ateini sekmadieni istinusiu zhandu i priemima - sako fuck off, neturim stomatologo. Sakai isiiiino. Sako kaaa? bandai pirstais rodyt. sako fuck off. sakai bliat, as moooookscius mook
po 15 minuciu issityciojimo is nesugebejimo istinusiu zandikauliu prakalbet uzregistruoja ir temperatura pamatuoja.
dar po 40 minucziu girdi pokalbi - "tai i ta veido zhandikaliu kas nors paskambino" ...
po to sako, operuoja - dar valanda lauksit ?
belieka spjaut pratrukusi pulini ant grindu ir nurijus gardu na..i palinket visiems streikuojantiems didesniu atlyginimu, prizadint kazhkelintos eiles pazistama kad bent jau termometro nekishtu ir pasiulytu sprendima kol brangus gydytojai prades dirbt
P.S. po gimtadienio man dar vakarykshte "anestezija" veike, ale man atejus 75 mocziute su sulauzhyta nosim kaip sedejo taip man isheinant ir sedejo.

aje, nu ir nepataikiau ant mygelio paspaust - turejo but vienu postu aukscziau.
Smerkite mane, neprakalbanti czainika :P

to lokyz:
pabandyk kada olandijoj - ten pasakys, kad ateitum po savaitės :-)