
rekomenduojami skaitiniai Archives

November 26, 2010

Penktadienio skaitiniai apie poravimąsi

Paying for dates

While male heterosexuality is signaled by a cheap, efficient hygiene routine that leaves the man looking slightly better than when he rolled out of bed, the same routine in a woman is culturally coded to indicate we're lesbians. No, if we don't take the time to alter our appearance to something unnatural, that means we don't like sex with men.

How can women who sleep with women know when they have lost their virginity?

Let me be plain: if you two pursue sexual pleasure together, however you choose to do it, whatever your bodies are like, I think you're having sex; you'll have had some kind of sex. That's not only the case for women partnered with women and men partnered with men, but also for women partnered with men, or people having any kind of sex together of any given gender or gender identity.(...)
Even for heterosexual women who define first sex as intercourse, if what virginity is defined as is the "loss" of the hymen, then plenty of women who have had intercourse will leave it still being virgins. Conversely, plenty of women who have never had partnered sex, but whose hymens have worn away or been torn would not be considered virgins. There was so much ignorance about women's bodies for so much of history that until relatively recently, people just didn't know all of this stuff, and in some places still, they still don't know it, or choose to deny the reality of our anatomy in order to hold up a cultural belief. These are some of the reasons why defining virginity that way is seriously problematic, and why it is not a term you are likely to hear a sound sexual healthcare provider use.

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November 19, 2010

Penktadienio skaitiniai apie seksizmą

How the sex bias prevails:

Using a clever experimental design, Heilman also determined that four in five volunteers preferred to have James as their boss. Andrea seemed less likeable merely because she was a woman who happened to be a leader. The existence of unconscious sexism can be scientifically proved in laboratory experiments. (…)A friend relayed a comment made by someone in the audience who didn't know Ben Barres and Barbara Barres were the same person: "Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but, then, his work is much better than his sister's."

I hope more women realise that if they’d only make themselves more attractive, then they would be more successful in their jobs. It’s all about being desired by men! Anyone that says it isn’t is an ugly feminist that needs a good fuck.
I think women should take responsibility for rape, by covering up more. Men, poor things, get worked up by seeing women’s bodies and it’s not their fault they then can’t control themselves. Testosterone is a very powerful thing!
I adore that when people say “sexy”, they mean “female”.
It pleases me that the default position in how sex is marketed is always male and heterosexist, or female and bisexual. Because women never want to see pictures of naked men: all of us are happier just to look at other women, don’t you know?!
I don’t need to wank because, like, I’m not a man. Also, my boyfriend might get jealous.
I have no need for orgasms because cuddling is so much nicer and women don’t have the same sexual urges as men, anyway. Also, what’s an orgasm?

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November 12, 2010

Penktadienio skaitiniai: apie smurtą ir prievartą

Child rape capital of the world:

According to a report by BBC news, a female born in the new South Africa has a greater chance of being raped in her lifetime than learning how to read. (…) Two men are due to appear at a court in Johannesburg on Tuesday, accused of raping a five-month-old girl who was discovered covered in blood and in tears. Every day the newspapers bring awful revelations: a nine-month-old girl gang-raped by six men; an eight-month-old raped and left by the roadside.

UAE high court rules men can beat wives, young children if there are no visible marks

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November 5, 2010

Penktadienio skaitiniai: lytis ir kūnas

Hymen renamed:

The new term in English is vaginal corona.

‘The useless organ’:
Hysterectomy is a euphemistic term that describes the amputation of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries. These are often described as the internal reproductive organs of a woman. As far as medicine is concerned, these organs are geared towards getting the woman pregnant and bringing a baby to term; you don’t need a vagina to give birth to a baby. Once a woman has done this procedure, usually twice in her reproductive life span, the uterus and cervix are considered by many to be useless.(…)
The uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries are sex organs. They contract during an orgasm providing powerful waves of pleasure. I should know. My perfectly healthy sex organs were amputated, and now I have an orgasm only to maintain pelvic health and it is dreaded.
For me, an orgasm is no longer an expression of blissful pleasure, either shared or not. Instead my vaginal cuff contracts weakly, and I’m physically reminded of what is missing. There is no climax as such, but an abrupt deflation of the build up of pleasurable feelings which used to explode into a glorious burst of ecstasy.

Thursday vagina blogging: open sesame:
And it must be treated, because what good is a vagina that can’t be penetrated? No good! In fact, there appears to be, in the vaginismus community, universal consensus that the condition’s interference with sexual intercourse, even when the sufferer can easily achieve orgasm via non-penetrative means, is a real homewrecker. (…)
The doctor and his experimental vaginal injections to pry her open, the boyfriend who fucks her even though she’s in pain. It blows my mind that men routinely hurt women in what is supposedly an act of love, and that women routinely endure pain and discomfort in order to fulfill their destiny as toilets, but fuckin A, you just can’t fight that cultural conditioning.

Visgi, komentaruose radau geresnį patarimą:
It would make more sense to just inject male parts with botox, render them “relaxed,” and fix the whole problem.

Top 10 Reasons Why The BMI Is Bogus

Amanda Redman’s scars

With Great Cleavage Comes Great Responsibility:

The man who is horrified at a woman’s “overly exposed” breasts will likely never have to worry about wearing one shirt—one shirt out of a lifetime of shirts—that happens to accidentally set off some random person’s slut meter, because of the way his body just is. And because my breasts are smaller, less visible, less imposing than other women’s breasts—because there’s less boob there—I can feel free to wear the more revealing top without attracting claims of public obscenity. It seems that some women’s bodies are just naturally sluttier than other women’s bodies—and all women’s bodies are naturally sluttier than men’s bodies.

October 29, 2010

Penktadienio skaitiniai apie motinas ir vaikus

Mommy bloggers: are some using their kids to get rich?:

Man videotapes naked daughters while emotionally abusing them: he’s a tad confused. Woman writes about daughter under real name with dressed photos: bitch!

Calling Mr. Mom?:

And women still perform twice the housework and three times the child care that men do, even in homes where women are the primary breadwinners. (…)The life-work dilemma for women has long been that “the workplace has changed in their favor, but home hasn’t,” she says. Men, however, “have the opposite problem. More is expected of them at home, but expectations have not shifted at work.” Which explains why the percentage of fathers in dual-income households who say they suffer work-family conflict has risen to 59 percent from 35 percent since 1977.

We Hate Children:

Recognition of children’s rights is a step forward for humanity, because children are us; they are our future and they are a product of our input into them. If we want to have our human rights recognized (and we do), then we need to recognize theirs. If they behave badly, chances are it is because we taught them to behave badly. If they reject us, it is because we rejected them. If we want them to have good values and good behavior, then it is on us to teach them. If you have a problem with young people, then it is probably your problem.

Do Children Really Do Better With Parents Together?:

The notion that “Children ALWAYS do better with parents together” is almost certainly false.

Children of lesbian parents do better than their peers:

Compared with a group of control adolescents born to heterosexual parents with similar educational and financial backgrounds, the children of lesbian couples scored better on academic and social tests and lower on measures of rule-breaking and aggression.

Why feminists shouldn’t have to keep mum:

We don’t need to be told what pregnancy, birth and childcare are like. We’re just also interested in how they could be in future. We’re interested in an approach to motherhood which does not blindly ‘respect’ women who reproduce without any recognition of them as individuals with beliefs worth scrutinizing. We’re interested in how much better our experiences could be if parenting could be shared by everyone, not just those who think pregnancy bestows authority and unaccountability in equal measure. Above all, we’d like mothers to consider themselves too important to be patronized and tiptoed around. So instead of trying to silence us, why not join us?

October 15, 2010

Penktadienio skaitiniai: apie ir prieš seksizmą

Trumpas pastebėjimas apie pop kultūroje įsigalėjusius (hetero/cis)vyrų ir (hetero/cis)moterų stereotipus, kai reali situacija yra atvirkštinė: Comment of the Day.

Pasirodo, nereikia bijoti atkreipti vyro dėmesį į jo seksizmą. Na, bent jau JAV. Manau, kad Lietuvoje tokio tyrimo rezultatai būtų kiek kitoki: Accusations of Sexism Spur Greater Sensitivity.

Užburtas ratas: vienintelis dalykas, kuris išprovokuoja prastesnius mergaičių rezultatus matematikoje, yra tas pats stereotipas, kad jos turėtų pasirodyti prasčiau. Net keista, kad tam paneigti vis dar reikalingi tyrimai, lyg ir visiems(-oms) turėtų būti akivaizdu, kad tokie stereotipai ne tik peržengę absurdo ribą, bet ir labai toli už jos nuėję: Females Are Equal to Males in Math Skills, Large Study Shows.

Jeigu moteris pastebi, kad iki šiol buvęs tvarkingas vyras pasikeitė, greičiausiai jie susituokė. Ištyrus daugiau nei 17 tūkst. porų 28 šalyse, nustatyta, kad santuoką vis dar seka pasenę lūkesčiai, dovanojantys moterims antrą pamainą namuose: Men opt out of the housework after marriage.

Moteriai, pasirinkusi vyro slapyvardį rašymui, atsivėrė kitas pasaulis: 2 - 3 kartus didesnis atlyginimas už tą patį darbą, pagarba, pripažinimas. Tai, ko prisistatydama savo tikruoju, moterišku vardu ji nesaulaukė: Why James Chartrand Wears Women’s Underpants.

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