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Penktadienio skaitiniai apie poravimąsi

Paying for dates

While male heterosexuality is signaled by a cheap, efficient hygiene routine that leaves the man looking slightly better than when he rolled out of bed, the same routine in a woman is culturally coded to indicate we're lesbians. No, if we don't take the time to alter our appearance to something unnatural, that means we don't like sex with men.

How can women who sleep with women know when they have lost their virginity?

Let me be plain: if you two pursue sexual pleasure together, however you choose to do it, whatever your bodies are like, I think you're having sex; you'll have had some kind of sex. That's not only the case for women partnered with women and men partnered with men, but also for women partnered with men, or people having any kind of sex together of any given gender or gender identity.(...)
Even for heterosexual women who define first sex as intercourse, if what virginity is defined as is the "loss" of the hymen, then plenty of women who have had intercourse will leave it still being virgins. Conversely, plenty of women who have never had partnered sex, but whose hymens have worn away or been torn would not be considered virgins. There was so much ignorance about women's bodies for so much of history that until relatively recently, people just didn't know all of this stuff, and in some places still, they still don't know it, or choose to deny the reality of our anatomy in order to hold up a cultural belief. These are some of the reasons why defining virginity that way is seriously problematic, and why it is not a term you are likely to hear a sound sexual healthcare provider use.

Men are too picky about dating imagine themselves less picky about looks because they don't even see the women they reject.

Gay Unions Shed Light on Gender in Marriage

For insights into healthy marriages, social scientists are looking in an unexpected place.
A growing body of evidence shows that same-sex couples have a great deal to teach everyone else about marriage and relationships.

Why Same-Sex Marriage Isn't (Is) A Threat to Heterosexual Marriage

Oh, we liberals love to laugh at right wingers, mostly evangelical Christians, who claim that same-sex marriage is an assault on "traditional marriage." If a gay couple down the street gets married, we reasonably ask, does that invalidate your marriage? Are you going to get a divorce in protest? These retorts leave our opponents sputtering, mostly because they grasp for a lie to cover up for their homophobia, and few people can really lie smoothly. Or they commit the fallacy of tautology, claiming that marriage simply is between a man and a woman, many of them knowing as they say it how lame that sounds -- after all, everyone but the dumbest among us understands that marriage is whatever society agrees it is.

When Pity Is Warring With Disgust

There are two kinds of sex (okay, there are a lot more kinds than "two", but just for the sake of this argument): there is sex that you are having with yourself and sex that you are sharing with someone else. The most obvious kind that falls into the first category is "masturbation", but it is quite possible to achieve it with one or more persons contributing the use of their body parts to aid you. This is what prostitutes do; they rent out their organs and orifices for somebody else to use to masturbate into, plus they may also provide sexually stimulating visuals, audios and sensories to aid the climax (bouncing tits, loud moans, faked orgasms, etc). Merry Christmas, ladies! The best holiday cheer you can give your man is to pretend you're his whore. Hey, you are getting his paycheck out of it, right..?

Men can fake it, too

It's funny to think that sometimes it ends up that the girl fakes it just so the guy can fake it. What a perfect representation of performative sex. Both partners are so strictly adhering to an expected script that they become outside observers to their own sexual encounter.

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