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« Ketvirtadienio vaizdeliai: seksizmas | Main | Sekmadienis su dieviška logika »

Penktadienio skaitiniai apie seksizmą

How the sex bias prevails:

Using a clever experimental design, Heilman also determined that four in five volunteers preferred to have James as their boss. Andrea seemed less likeable merely because she was a woman who happened to be a leader. The existence of unconscious sexism can be scientifically proved in laboratory experiments. (…)A friend relayed a comment made by someone in the audience who didn't know Ben Barres and Barbara Barres were the same person: "Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but, then, his work is much better than his sister's."

I hope more women realise that if they’d only make themselves more attractive, then they would be more successful in their jobs. It’s all about being desired by men! Anyone that says it isn’t is an ugly feminist that needs a good fuck.
I think women should take responsibility for rape, by covering up more. Men, poor things, get worked up by seeing women’s bodies and it’s not their fault they then can’t control themselves. Testosterone is a very powerful thing!
I adore that when people say “sexy”, they mean “female”.
It pleases me that the default position in how sex is marketed is always male and heterosexist, or female and bisexual. Because women never want to see pictures of naked men: all of us are happier just to look at other women, don’t you know?!
I don’t need to wank because, like, I’m not a man. Also, my boyfriend might get jealous.
I have no need for orgasms because cuddling is so much nicer and women don’t have the same sexual urges as men, anyway. Also, what’s an orgasm?

Nathan's Famous. Ida, Not So Much.:

It is hard not to see this story as the way women are often written out of history, not necessarily from some vile motives but just because women in general are invisible.

Feminist Rant #2305792:
Every disadvantage that men have is the result of a larger systemic disadvantage against women.

Crossing Gender Lines: Boys Doing Double-Dutch:
For many boys, the fear of such repercussions–particularly harassment by other boys–is enough to make them steer clear of things they might be good at or like doing. And yet, despite these pressures, both boys and girls do cross gender lines all the time…a fact we conveniently forget when we talk about gender in a way that implies that “real boys” just naturally like certain things and not others, for example. (…) Some sociologists argue that physical activities that predominantly attract women tend to be defined as something other than sports simply because we associate athletics with men, not women.

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