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Child rape capital of the world:

According to a report by BBC news, a female born in the new South Africa has a greater chance of being raped in her lifetime than learning how to read. (…) Two men are due to appear at a court in Johannesburg on Tuesday, accused of raping a five-month-old girl who was discovered covered in blood and in tears. Every day the newspapers bring awful revelations: a nine-month-old girl gang-raped by six men; an eight-month-old raped and left by the roadside.

UAE high court rules men can beat wives, young children if there are no visible marks

'He Thought a Baby Would Keep Me in His Life Forever': When Partner Abuse Isn't a Bruise But a Pregnant Belly:

He moved in just weeks after their first date, which was before she learned about the cheating. When she confronted him, repeatedly, he raped her, repeatedly. (…)Sexual coercion and "reproductive control," including contraceptive sabotage, are a common, and devastating, facet of dating and domestic abuse. A growing number of studies, experts and young women themselves are testifying to boyfriends demanding unprotected sex, lying about "pulling out," hiding or destroying birth control -- flushing pills down the toilet, say -- and preventing (or, in some cases, forcing) abortion. (…)"It's clearly out-and-out control of a woman's body. Control for control's sake," says Miller.

Expecting too much from women:

What do male critics have to watch that compares to this? What genre/theme disturbs the male psyche with not only its horrific nature, but the reminder that this particular horror happens every day, to many people just like you, and if not to you then to someone you know? There isn’t one. Therefore, it is placing an unfair burden on the female film critic to demand she watch movies about rape.

Blaming the Man:

Do you know what I’m sick of? Men complaining that they are somehow being victimised by feminists pointing out that male violence against women is a problem. (…)Feminists are not lying or exaggerating when we say that male violence against women and male harrassment of women is a huge problem; the evidence tells us as much. (…) Men are the problem here. This is not to say that the male sex is naturally, biologically prone to violence against women, but that the the patriarchal construction of masculinity and the power dynamics within a society where women have for centuries been oppressed by men leads to men committing acts of violence and harrassment against women.

Hey, Everybody: Let’s Define “Neutral!”:

The one thing you cannot do, actually, is to be “neutral.” There is no “neutral,” as these things go. When it comes to being a bigot, and engaging in behavior that is more or less proven to kill people — or allowing that behavior to exist — you literally cannot take a neutral position. You can be right, or wrong.

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