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May 2004 Archives

May 1, 2004

doomed to failure

naomi klein apie padeti irake.

Mutiny in Iraq

Can we please stop calling it a quagmire? The
United States isn't mired in a bog or a marsh
in Iraq (quagmire's literal meaning); it is
free-falling off a cliff. The only question now is:
Who will follow the Bush clan off this precipice,
and who will refuse to jump?

More and more are, thankfully, choosing the second option. The last month of
inflammatory US aggression in Iraq has inspired what can only be described as
a mutiny: Waves of soldiers, workers and politicians under the command of
the US occupation authority are suddenly refusing to follow orders and
abandoning their posts. First Spain announced it would withdraw its troops,
then Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Kazakhstan. South
Korean and Bulgarian troops were pulled back to their bases, while New
Zealand is withdrawing its engineers. El Salvador, Norway, the Netherlands
and Thailand will likely be next.

And then there are the mutinous members of the US-controlled Iraqi army.
Since the latest wave of fighting began, they've been donating their weapons to
resistance fighters in the South and refusing to fight in Falluja, saying that they
didn't join the army to kill other Iraqis. By late April, Maj. Gen. Martin
Dempsey, commander of the 1st Armored Division, was reporting that "about
40 percent [of Iraqi security officers] walked off the job because of
intimidation. And about 10 percent actually worked against us."

And it's not just Iraq's soldiers who have been deserting the occupation. Four
ministers of the Iraqi Governing Council have resigned their posts in protest.
Half the Iraqis with jobs in the secured "green zone"--as translators, drivers,
cleaners--are not showing up for work. And that's better than a couple of
weeks ago, when 75 percent of Iraqis employed by the US occupation
authority stayed home (that staggering figure comes from Adm. David Nash,
who oversees the awarding of reconstruction contracts).

Minor mutinous signs are emerging even within the ranks of the US military:
Privates Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey have applied for refugee status
in Canada as conscientious objectors and Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia is facing
court martial after he refused to return to Iraq on the grounds that he no longer
knew what the war was about [see Christian Parenti, "A Deserter Speaks," at

Rebelling against the US authority in Iraq is not treachery, nor is it giving "false
comfort to terrorists," as George W. Bush recently cautioned Spain's new
prime minister. It is an entirely rational and principled response to policies that
have put everyone living and working under US command in grave and
unacceptable danger. This is a view shared by fifty-two former British
diplomats, who recently sent a letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair stating that
although they endorsed his attempts to influence US Middle East policy, "there
is no case for supporting policies which are doomed to failure."

And one year in, the US occupation of Iraq does appear doomed on all fronts:
political, economic and military. On the political front, the idea that the United
States could bring genuine democracy to Iraq is now irredeemably discredited:
Too many relatives of Iraqi Governing Council members have landed plum
jobs and rigged contracts, too many groups demanding direct elections have
been suppressed, too many newspapers have been closed down and too
many Arab journalists have been murdered while trying to do their job. The
most recent casualties were two employees of Al Iraqiya television, shot dead
by US soldiers while filming a checkpoint in Samarra. Ironically, Al Iraqiya is
the US-controlled propaganda network that was supposed to weaken the
power of Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya, both of which have also lost reporters to
US guns and rockets over the past year.


europos profesine sajungos nerimauja del ES pletros , mazesniu gamybos ir darbo islaidu. Nauji eurokratai dziaugiasi. Europos tvirtove dabar bus didele , 450milijonu ekonomine erdve ir didele veikeja globalaus kapitalizmo masinoj. subsidijos ukininkams naujose narese bus po septyniu metu, jeigu dar bus ukininku like. kapitalas laisvas judeti siandien , o zmonems teks palaukti. naujos nares gaus 22 milijardus paramos , bet ispanija,portugalija ir airija gavo virs 120 milijardu. sako jei lietuvos bendras vidaus produktas augs 2% per metus , tai uztruks 57 metus pasiekt prancuzijos lygi. galiu tiktai sekmes linket naujoj europoj.
sukasi sukasi zvaigzdes ratu

Biometrics - EU takes another step down the road to 1984:

- biometric documents for visas and resident third country nationals to be introduced by 2005
- biometric passports/documents for EU citizens to follow
- "compulsory" fingerprints and facial images
- data and personal information to be held on national and EU-wide databases
- admission that powers of data protection authorities vary and are "under-resourced"
- no guarantees that data will not be made available to non-EU states (eg: USA)
daugiau idomios EU info cia

May 14, 2004

Media activism

isitraukiu i Media Activism Project. Darom kas dvi savaites filmu rodymus, nemokama video archyva ir nuoma(ateini uzsirasai varda,data ir gali pasiimt namo filma dviem dienom), ir visokiu planu ateiciai. Cia trumpas filmu aprasymas. Visi jie anksciau ar veliau pasirodys lietuvoj. kol kas maciau tik 'the revolution will not be televised', 'What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy', 'T-Shirt Travels', ir 'Black Harvest'. nera laiko. (kokia nesamone - nera laiko)

The Revolution will not be Televised- Film about the 2002 attempted coup to
overthrown the government of Hugo Chavez. Includes incredible footage that
takes you inside the coup and the revolution that reversed it.

Hidden Wars of Desert Storm - Film about the first Persian Gulf War,
focussing on the events and history leading up to that war, the sanctions
that followed it and the causes and effects of the Gulf War Syndrome.

What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third
World-(video compilation) Speeches and excerpts from other documentaries,
this video collection includes speeches by Martin Luther King Jr., John
Stockwell, Bill moyers, Amy Goodman, Ram,sey Clark, S. Brian Willson....and
excerpts from the films The Panama Deception and School of Assassins

Plan Columbia- (2003) This film explores the complex issues of
drug-trafficking and civil struggle in Columbia and the current
chemical-spray program carried out by the U.S. Defense contractor Dyncorp
and the multi-billion-dollar aid package delivered to the brutal Columbian
military. Additional insights are provided on the significant factor oil
has become in the Columbian equation, a country with the same oil potential
as Venezuela, today the second largest oil supplier to the U.S.

The Global Assembly Line- (1986) The Global Assembly Line takes viewers
inside our new global economy. A vivid portrayal of the lives of working
women and men in the "free trade zones" of developing countries and North
America, as U.S. industries close their factories to search the globe for
lower-wage workforces.

The Ad and the Ego- (1997) The Ad and the Ego traces the development of
advertising from its descriptive 19th century origins through today’s
high-tech manipulation of powerful symbols and imagery. It goes beyond
deconstructing individual advertisments to reveal the economic and political
dimensions of living in an advertising infused environment.

The Truth and Lies of 9/11 (2002) Mike Ruppert (from the wilderness)
investigates the background of the 9/11 attacks. Using government documents
and official sources to challenge the official story presented by the U.S.

The Panama Deception- (1992) This documentary details the case that the 1989
invasion of Panama by the US was motivated not by the need to protect
American soldiers, restore democracy or even capture Noriega. It was to
force Panama to submit the will of the United States after Noriega had
exhausted his usefulness.

Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press (1996) The life
of George Seldes, the maverick reporter who started Free Press. A wonderful
history of 20th century poitics and a look at censorship and suppression in
America's news media.

Hearts and Minds- (1974) This film recounts the history and attitudes of the
opposing sides of the Vietnam War using archival news footage as well as
their own film and interviews. A key theme is how attitudes of American
racism and self-righteousness militarism helped create and prolong this
bloody conflict. The film also endeaveors to give voice to the Vietnamese
people themselves as to how the war has affected them and their reasons why
they fight the United States and other western powers while showing the
basic humanity of the people that US propaganda tried to dismiss.

Noam Chomsky: Power and Terror In Our Times - A recording of talks that
Chomsky gave in the spring of 2002, placing the 9/11 attacks in the context
of American foreign intervention.

Noam Chomsky: Distorted Morality -A recording of a talk about terrorism that
Noam Chomsky gave at Harvard University, followed by a question and answer

Discovering Dominga -(2003) When 29-year-old Iowa housewife Denese Becker
decides to return to the Guatemalan village where she was born, she begins a
journey towards finding her roots, but one filled with harrowing
revelations. In "Discovering Dominga," Denese's journey home is both a
voyage of self-discovery that permanently alters her relationship to her
American family and a political awakening that sheds light on an act of
genocide against this hemisphere’s largest Indian majority.

Fidel: The Untold Story-(2001) This movies offers a portrait of Fidel Castro
through exclusive interviews with Castro himself,historians,public figures
and close friends, with footage from the Cuban State archives.

Counting on Democracy -BBC investigative reporter, Greg Palast, examines the
2000 Florida election scandal.

Maquila: A Tale of Two Mexicos-(2000) A film examining the impact of
corporate globalization on Mexico, focussing on the maquiladoras, U.S.-owned
factories employing cheap Mexican labor. The film also reveals other
aspects of the present crisis, including the environmental disasters
generated by these factories, their unsafe environment, which has resulted
in an unsolved series of brutal rapes and murders of young women employees,
and violent rural confrontations between the Mexican Army and Mayan peasant
farmers as part of the government’s efforts to suppress the Zapatista
rebellion. The video features interviews with workers, factory managers,
government officials, army officers, indigenous peasants and economists.

Fela Kuti: Music is the Weapon - (2004) During his life, Fela Kuti never
ceased to record, more than 60 albums, all mythical. For most of his career
he fought against political corruption in his homeland of Nigeria. He died
of AIDS at the age of 58 in 1997. This documentary, directed in 1982 by
Stephane Tchai-Gadjieff was shot at Lagos, Nigeria and carries us from the
"Kalakula Republic" to the mythical "Shrine" nightclub. Includes lots of

Globalization and Human Rights- PBS special that examines an emerging
conflict in a new world order between those making macro-economic decisions
and those struggling to cope with the impact of those decisions, and the
ongoing debate over whether or not human rights concerns should be linked to
economic policies.

Boom: The Sound of Eviction- (2002) A study of gentrification in post-boom
San Fransisco, Boom delves into the ironies and contradictions of the "New
Economy" and delivers a potent social critique that is ambitious in its
scope while remaining close to the human scale. The viewer moves easily
between dot-com party crashing at one end of the economic spectrum and
painful moments with evicted families at the other. Boom features interviews
with dot-com workers, real estate developers, and San Francisco Mayor Willie
Brown, as well as those who challenged the new economic order through
community organizing, electoral politics, and direct action.

A Heuy P. Newton Story- (2001) Adapted from Robert Guenveur Smith's Oblie
award-winning performance, this film is a portrait of Huey P. Newton, the
late co-counder of the Black Panther Party. Directed by Spike Lee.

Grass- (1999) Mixing hysterical anti-marijuana archival footage with playful
psychedelic graphics by underground cartoonist Paul Mavrides, Mann has
utilized the vocal talents of grass activist Woody Harrelson to narrate the
darkly comic tale of how grass become the drug of choice for not only pot
heads but also U.S. federal officers. Grass features a motley crew of
characters ranging, on the right, from the first head of the U.S. Federal
Bureau of Narcotics Harry J. Anslinger, to such archly conservative pot
prohibitionists as Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan to, listing
leftwards, politicians Fiorella La Guardia and Jimmy Carter, and grass
victims Robert Mitchum and Gene Krupa. Each takes his place on center-stage
as the on-going story of "feds versus heads" is played out.

T-Shirt Travels -(2001) T-shirt Travels explores how a continent rich with
natural resources and human potential has become the dumping ground for our
old clothes and discarded goods. In sharing the struggle of a population
that finds itself growing poorer and poorer, T-shirt Travels, uncovers the
enduring spirit and resilience of these people. The documentary reveals how
this poverty is tied to obstacles imposed by third world debt and the harsh
economic conditions dictated by the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund. In Zambia, as we learn from the people in the documentary,
selling second hand clothes becomes one way to earn enough money to survive.
It allows Africans to explain the challenges they face in a global economy.

Black Harvest- (1992) This film charts the progress of Joe in convincing the
Ganiga tribespeople to join him in a coffee growing venture. He is to
provide the money and the expertise; they are to supply the land and the
labor. He stands to make 60%; the tribespeople 40%. Tribal wars and the drop
in coffee prices on the world market conspire to defeat the venture. Always
suspect because of his mixed-race status, Joe is in deep trouble with the
tribespeople when his promises of riches fail to materialize. As he
organizes to emigrate with his family to Australia, he is a saddened man
with an uncertain future.

The Trials of Henry Kissinger-(2002) Is Henry Kissinger - Nobel Laureate and
the most famous diplomat of his generation - also a war criminal? Provoked
by the Christopher Hitchens book, filmmakers Jarecki and Gibney have
constructed a movie which is both brilliant legal brief and chilling
psychodrama. Some of Kissinger's most ardent supporters (Alexander Haig,
Brent Scowcroft, William Safire) vie with his detractors (writers Seymour
Hersh, William Shawcross, Hitchens himself).

May 16, 2004


greiciausiai busiu misku gaisrininku. maciau micius rase 'gaistrininku', as irgi taip sakydavau kazkodel. gaistras kazkaip rimciau skamba nei gaisras. uz savaites baigiasi apmokymai ir beprotiskos treniruotes man paliegusiam zoliaedziui nematytos. buvau priverstas pirkt specialius gaisrininko batus uz $300. negirdeta. jauciu kad bus idomu, tik aplinka ten neipatingai mano skonio, macho berniukai susirinke ,bet kaip nors. ne visi. ir merginu yra. darbas ten, ne su slanga gaisra gesint, bet daryt visokias apsaugas kast, kapot krumus ir daryt kelius kur ugnis nepasieks. daug daug sunkaus ir nuobodaus darbo karsciuose ir su ilgom rankovem ir sunkia kuprine. lietus ir pavasaris praejo greitai ir sako bus labai gaisringas sezonas. cia zinios is pernai. bet bent gal visokiu nacionaliniu parku pamatysiu ir siaip pakeliausiu. ir miska koki viena isgelbesiu . ir uzdirbsiu daug $$$. ten kasmet gaisrininku zusta del visokiu priezasciu bet dazniausiai ne tokie kaip as, o tie kurie daro rimtesnius darbus. bet per tuos apmokymus rode visokius filmus ir pasakojo apie visokius pavojus kad tipo apsigalvot dar laiko yra. sake reikia saugotis ganjos augintoju, nes jie ten labai saugo ir kartais saudo i gaisrininkus ir misku darbuotojus kai jie nori evakuot ir t.t. ir jeigu kada teks mums uztikt busim nuosekliai patikrinti. karta viena grupe rado plantacija su 2000 atrodo augalu ir jie viska ten turejo israut ir sudegint , bet gavo iskvietima bedirbant gesint gaisro , o tenai buvo policija su sunim, sunys uzuode, bet stuffo nerado ir ten buvo chaosas kol issiaiskino.
bet siaip kalifornijos marichuana legali medicinos tikslams ir zmones gali augint sau jeigu turi daktaro rekomendacija.

May 18, 2004

post 9/11

siandien skaiciau staraipsni apie tai kaip Makedonijoj valdzia norejo pasinaudot pasitaikiusia proga po rugsejo 11 sokt i antiteroristini laiva. vietoj to kad pasiulyt savo kareivius siust i afganistana, auksti pareigunai ir policijos virsunes sukure plana kaip 'atskleist' teroristini samoksla pries vakaru interesus. planas buvo isiviliot nelegalius imigrantus ir susaudyt is anksto paruostoj vietoj, paviesint ir teigt kad jie buvo susije su al qaida ir ruosesi atakuot vakarieciu ambasadas.
2002 kovo 2 vidaus reikalu ministras ljube boskowski pranese kad septyni 'mudzahedai' buvo nukauti susidaudyme su policija skopje. nuotraukos buvo pasiustos vakaru diplomatams , kur matesi mirusiu kunai su salia gulinciais automatais.
reikalas prdejo aisket kai tuometine nacionalistu vyriausybe pralaimejo rinkimus. visa iki galo paaiskejo tik praejusiu keliu savaitciu begy.

2001 po ilgo partizaninio karo su etniniais albanais vyriausybe nusprende isnaudot rugsejo 11 kad galetu susidorot su daugumoj musulmonais albanais. policijos sefui buvo prisakyta 'surast grupe musulmonu su su specifine isvaizda, kurie atrodyt kaip mudzahedai'. imigrantai - sesi pakistanieciai ir vienas indas , tikejesi kaip nors nusigaut i vakaru europa, buvo surasti nelegalu pervezeju, su pazadais pasiekt graikija .

kovo antra visi buvo nuvezti i vynuogyna skopje priemiesty, kai vairuotojas isvaziavo , pasirode specialios policijos pajegos ir visus susaude .

tokia vat politika

May 20, 2004


siandien bibliotekos knygu ispardavimas tai uz $9.10 ka pavyko prigriebt:
*Neal Gabler 'Life:The Movie' - How Entertainment Conquered Reality'
*Kenneth T. Jackson 'Crabgrass Frontier'- The Suburnanization of the United States'
*R.Shmitt and T.E.Moody 'Alienation and Social Criticism'
*D.E.Foley 'Learning Capitalist Culture'-Deep in the Heart of Tejas'
*Upton Sinclair 'The Jungle'
*J.Poppendieck 'Sweet Charity?'- Emergency Food and the End of Entitlement'
*D.Harris 'Cute, Quaint, Hungry and Romantic'- The Aesthetics of Consumerism'
*Cornel West and R.M.Unger 'The Future of American Progressivism'

May 23, 2004


visai idomus blogas ir ten zemiau einant 'are yoy a real american?' komiksas grazus.
klausiau mumios abu jamalo per kalejimo radija 22 metai kalejime, mirties bausme uz policininko nuzudyma, kuo niekas netiki. zymiausias amerikos politinis kalinys. jeigu ne masiniai pasauliniai protestai gal jau butu palaidotas.

o tuo tarpu rusijoj buves zvalgybos agentas tyres galima vyriausybes dalyvavima gyvenamuju namu sprogdinimuose buvo nuteistas trecadieni. Michalias Trepaskinas buvo suimtas savaite pries tai kai jis norejo atskleist visuomene ka issiaskino apie sprogdinimus uz. zmoniu teisiu aktyvistai sako kad tai rusijos valdzios bandymas uztildyt viena is garsesniu balsu kurie abejoja rusijos 'karu pries terorizma'. 1999 sprogimuose zuvo 243 zmones ir buvo apkaltinti cecenu separatistai, ir tada atejo dede putinas ir eme daryt tvarka ir buvo isrinktas prezidentu.

o cia kaip kitam pusrutuly daromas karas ir biznis

May 24, 2004


We don't see history as the history of the destruction of the indigenous population, enslavement, conquest, murder, oppression, violence. You know, it's sort of all somehow out in the background. But the main thrust is supposed to be different. There was an article that just came out by this very distinguished conservative historian named Warren Cohen who said the imperial boot is now placed on Iraq and the history of American denial, of what actually happened (and he runs through it pretty honestly) will reframe this as liberation - that's what he calls American Exceptionalism - but I think that's incorrect. It's the behavior of dominant forces without history, and they have got to subdue their own populations. Would the population accept it if they knew the truth? I don't think so.

Certainly no one in power believes it. If they believed it they wouldn't bother with the propaganda. They would just tell them the truth - look, we want to smash up and destroy and rob these people because we want to enrich ourselves. Did they ever say that? No, no one ever says that because they know perfectly well that people won't accept it. If they understand what is happening, they stop them. And that has happened. That's how antiwar movements start - it seeps in and people start to understand and then they won't buy it.

You have to lie to them. You have to deceive them. You have to marginalize them. You have to make them feel hopeless. Otherwise they aren't going to hang on to power. Power is very fragile. It can be overthrown. It doesn't take much to overthrow it, even tyrants and surely in more democratic societies. It's very fragile. So as soon as the discipline breaks down, it will be overthrown and they know it. That's why you have such a massive commitment to propaganda, much more so in the free societies than in the tyrannies.

Like Franco's Spain. It was willing to let people talk about whatever they wanted. If you wanted to start Marxist clubs and so on, it's perfectly fine, because there was a torture chamber in the center of Madrid, and when you walked past it you heard people screaming. So, OK talk about anything you like, but don't forget. In more free societies you can't do that. You have to make sure people don't have their own thoughts and they don't interact with one another. So you need huge industries like the public relations industry to impose passivity, hopelessness, marginalization, and false beliefs. It's required as societies become more free.

visas ilgas interviu cia

Patriot Act

USA Patriot Act buvo patvirtintas kongreso kelios savaites po rugsejo 11-tos. kazkaip keistom aplinkybem, keliu simtu puslapiu dokumentas, kurio dauguma kongreso nariu nespejo net perskaityt buso administracijos buvo prastumtas kaip butinas kovai pries terorizma. tame akte buvo rinkinys visokiausiu pasiulymu kurie buvo atmesti per keliolika metu nes pazeidzia civilines teises. dabar tapo imanoma suimt zmones nesuteikiant jiems teisiu(miranda rights) kaip advokatas, informuot seima,ir visos kitos teisines priemones(simati arabu atsidure kalejimuose be teismo, daug is ju buvo deportuot netgi turedami jav pilietybe), pokalbiu kalusymasis neturint jokio teisinio pagrindo, klausymasis poklabiu sulaikytojo su advokatu ir t.t. vienas ypatingai idomus akto punktas - knygu is bibliotekos emimas, jeigu knyga yra siame sarase automatiskai tampi taikiniu fbi ir homeland security. o knygos nuostabios beje, daug mano megstamu autoriu kaip chomsky, parenti ir bell hooks. tai jei dingsiu be zinios kada ieskokit pas didiji broli :)
nes praejo tik 20 metu po 1984!

May 25, 2004

vaizdu svarba

"We call this a dirty recruitment," he told CBS's Dan Rather. "You want to find information on them to blackmail them."

Lacking a large network of informers, Military Intelligence could blackmail hundreds, even thousands, of cab drivers, petty criminals, and all sorts of other Iraqis to be America's eyes and ears. daugiau

nezinau kaip lietuvoj bet cia kiekviena diena zinios sukasi apie iraka. abu ghraib kalejimo nuotraukos sukele didziuli skandala, ir nors bandoma tai uzglaistyt kad tai tik pavieniai incidentai, darosi vis akivaizdziau kad tai buvo is virsaus i apacia sistema. bet idomus klausimas ar atejo tokie laikai kai zodziai nesako daug o tik vaizdai? raudonasis kryzius, amnesty nternational ir keletas zurnalistu isleido pranesimus apie kankinimus ir padeti kalejimuose bet niekas i tai nereagavo iki nuotrauku pasirodymo.
vakaru pasauly vienokia svarba, arabu pasauli kitokia , bet vaizdu svarba ypatinga.
ar informacijos amziuj tuoj nereikes nieko skaityt o tik matyt, nes visko darosi per daug?

What is the focus of the new image infrastructure? Attenion. It's all designed for capturing, tracking, quantifying, manipulating, holding, buying, selling and controling attention.

May 26, 2004

jus nesirupinkit

vakar kalbejausi su bendradarbe kuri tam paciam koledze kaip ir as bet kitoj sociologijos kalsej. klausinejau smulkmenu ,nes buvo idomu palygint mokymo metodus ir t.t. pries pora menesiu, isitraukiau i diskusija su ja kai ji ruose namu darbus tai paskaitai ir ji buvo labai isizeidus ir ignoravo mane koki menesi. jos darbas buvo parasyt apie disney. ji rase kad kaip jei neramu kad disney perka kita korporacija, comcast atrodo. as jos tada klausiu o kas galvoji pasikeis tada, ir ji ten kazka pradejo pasakot apie kokybe ir t.t. kas visiska nesamone. as jai pradejau pasakot apie sweatshopus, apie tai kad vienintelis dalykas kas jiems rupi tai uzdirbt kuo daugiau pinigo ,kad dideles medijos korporacijos jungiasi visa laika ir t.t. ji buvo baisiai pasipiktinus, bet man atrodo veliau toj savo paskaitoj isgirdo panasiu dalyku ir suprato kad gal taip, tai tiesa.
bet ne apie tai cia. gale smestro jie turejo pasidalint i penkias grupes ir padaryt projektus prievartos, oro uzterstumo, vietines bendruomenes remimo, ziauriu bausmiu ir reklamos ir jos pasekmiu vaikams temom. susieit kartu , daryt tyrimus , ieskot informacijos , statistikos, daryt gatvese akcijas, informuot zmones ir studentus. pva padare lipdukus kur kaip ant cigareciu pakeliu oficialus ispejimas apie zala oro uzterstumo ir klijavo ant masinu. padare video kur buvo interviu su advokatais apie mirties bausme, padare interneto puslapi su vietiniais verslais, kad svarbu remt vietinius o ne super marketus ir t.t.
nors cia taip viskas labai mainstreamiskai be man atrodo daug kam tikrai kazkas liks ir gal jie kazka darys ateity ir t.t. svietimas gali but labai geras irankis priverst zmones susimasyt , ypac kol jie labai jauni ir neisisuke pilnai i kapitalistine masina kurioj nereikia galvot 'jus nesirupinkit , mes pasirupinsim'.
tas jos destytojas vienas is autoriu the better world handbook
kazkaip vis daugiau minciu kad reikia aktyviu zmoniu kurie is isisuktu i mainstreama ir tiketu kad galima kazka pakeist zurnalistu , teisininku mokytoju ir t.t. nes subkulturoj nors patogu ir smagu gyvent tarp bendraminciu bet aplinkinis pasaulis nuo to nedaug pasikeicia, ir daznai atstumia, nes tie kas yra subkulturos viduje nori islaikyt savo kazkokia kaip cinikas sake monopolija, jaustis geresniais nei kiti ir t.t.

May 28, 2004


"Today, border camps draw attention to the exclusionary border regimes and criticise the racism of European migration policy. In the 1980s . a Mr Dobilas, who was the Lithuanian champion of cross-country running, also championed the illegal crossing of borders. He crossed borders to draw attention to the totalitarian conditions in the states he crossed into Finland, West-Berlin, and China, for example(Trusewizc,2000)"
cia kritiskos geografijos zurnalas. istrauka is The EU and the Utopia and Anti-utopia of Migration: A Response to Harald Bauder
kas nors zino/atsimena apie Dobila?

May 29, 2004

media visaip

vakar ziurejom no man's land. labai gerai parodo karo absurda ir beprasmiskuma . supratau kad ne ka zinau apie visa balkanu jovala. reikes pasidomet.

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"Visi siuolaikiniai civilizacijos veiksniai sutartinai daro zmones laimingus, teikdami jiems patoguma ir sauguma bet uzgniauzdami neigyvendinto potencialo ir aukstesniu zmogaus gyvenimo galimybiu jausma" (is 'Kritiku draugija')

About May 2004

This page contains all entries posted to ninjutsu in May 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2004 is the previous archive.

June 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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