« post 9/11 | Main | politika »


siandien bibliotekos knygu ispardavimas tai uz $9.10 ka pavyko prigriebt:
*Neal Gabler 'Life:The Movie' - How Entertainment Conquered Reality'
*Kenneth T. Jackson 'Crabgrass Frontier'- The Suburnanization of the United States'
*R.Shmitt and T.E.Moody 'Alienation and Social Criticism'
*D.E.Foley 'Learning Capitalist Culture'-Deep in the Heart of Tejas'
*Upton Sinclair 'The Jungle'
*J.Poppendieck 'Sweet Charity?'- Emergency Food and the End of Entitlement'
*D.Harris 'Cute, Quaint, Hungry and Romantic'- The Aesthetics of Consumerism'
*Cornel West and R.M.Unger 'The Future of American Progressivism'

Comments (3)

Kokioj bibliotekoj cia tokias knygas parduoda?

ir per kiek laiko perskaitysi visas? :)


Kokioj bibliotekoj cia tokias knygas parduoda?
university of california, davis

ir per kiek laiko perskaitysi visas? :)
visu gal ir neperskaitysiu, bet kazkada lietuvoj bus biblioteka kur jos visos bus ir kitiems zmonems gal bus idomios.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2004 9:52 PM.

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