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oktober 23, 2005


you look at a light, it's bright, makes you fell nothing, just it's warmth. just look at this fire, and it hipnotizes you...makes you forget all this shit that hurts you, you forget all, that EVER hurt you. the flames just seem to hug you. you look around, and you see just the rain. you're not afraid of it. you see the people that hide from it under the roofs, or umbrellas, or any shelter that they can find. but it soothes you. you just look at it as the raindrops fall to your eyes. through the water you look at the sky as through a caleidoscope. like through a dream, that's not true. it'll still remain a dream that i suppose isn't meant to come true. because the voice of the water is just your imagination, just something you wish to hear, not necessarilly the truth.

oktober 22, 2005


klausai pas kaimynus kalancio muzono.
zhiuri i mirxincia lempa gatwej, ish kurios wisishkaj jokio tolko.
laikai drebanciom rankom stikline wandens, ir tiesiog zhiuri i virpesiu sukeltas bangeles.
pastebi ant grindu nukritusius tris kraujo lashus - rankoje suduzhusi stikline.
pro akis prabega wisi ivykiai, kuriuos nori pamirsht
kuriu nenori pamirsht.
akyse stowi kito zhmogaus akys, kuriose pamatai tai, ko neturejai pamatyt, suzhinai...
turbut tai ko neturejai zhinot...


freaky sawijauta, kaj eilini syki wisa wakara suplanuoji sawajp, o gaunasi radikaliai atwirkshciai.) tenorejau draugu konce pasiklausyt! o pasirodo i konca pawelawom lygiai 24 h./ nu ka, ish newilties kainekuriuos paterorizawom, palaxtem po naktinio wilniaus kabakus, upiu krantines ir shiaip plotus. pora nauju zhmoniu akiraty, pora senu zhmoniu, i kuriuos naujas pozhiuris, ir wiena amzhina ir stabiliai nesikeicianti persona.) taj greiciausiai buwo bene gerewsias dalykas kuri suprataw, kad wisdelto ne wisi keiciasi, bent ne itin stipriai.
per para sugebejau patapt anime personazhu, gaila tik, kad ne filmuke buwau...nu ka ,o 5 ryto zhingsniawimas namo per krasnuxa ir wingiaparky namucio, bo ple taxai nenorejo kelt ragelio. wingiaparky atskiras nuotykis...

oktober 11, 2005


joo, wakaras su zhmonem, su kuriais susitinki toli grazhu ne kasdien (deja), prie kaljano dumo ir wyno taures, laikant rankose civilini ir baudzhiamaji kodexus bei konstitucija tikrai ishblashko. kinda non-standard appearance.)
atpalaiduoja kajp niekad, bent nemastaj apie kasdienius rupescius ir shiaip isigilini i intelektuoalius ir prasmingus pokalbius.)

nota bene: pamacew ant stalo gulincia laibai zhawinga knyga: psichiatrija. sudomino.)

oktober 10, 2005


kur rituos? tajp paskendau sawyje, kad nebematau draugu, nebematau nieko, tik sawe, sawo gelmes. tajp, ish wienos puses geraj kartas nuo karto pasinert i save, susideliot wiska i lentynas, ir apskritai ishsiaishkint norus, swajones, sudet wisas parkes ir shiaip nesamones i 'past' lentyna, uzhklijuot 'no traspassing' juosta ir pamirsht. smagu wiska pradet tam tikra prasme ish naujo. jej dar nebutu tu nelemtu grandiniu, kurios laiko prirakinusios prie praeities nuoskaudu ir nusivylimu, butu ishwis nerealu. bet per daug noret nereik. pagalew tik reik atsispirt nuo dugno ir wel kilt aukshtyn.

oktober 9, 2005


point of view rebuilding ---> blog rebuilding ---> attitude rebuilding ---> life rebuilding ---> ???

joooo, kuo tolew, tuo labew suprantu kas per daiktas 'chaos theory'. what next?
all this rebuilding thing's fun, but...

i wish it just wouldn't be so damn painfull too...

oktober 6, 2005

no more

weird feeling. nera nej parkiu, nej kazhkokio dzhiaugsmo ar aplamai emociju. keista kaj diena susitinki su draugu, ir taw tajp grazhiai ishskalbia smegenis, kad wiskas pasidaro pakankamai aishq ir logishka, tik lieka wienas klausimas: uzh ka?
how many times in my life did i fight everybody, just to defend my oppinion? why? no, not to protect someone or etc, i guess now it was just to feel better. so that i can do something to, that i'm ABLE to do something. all this time i felt like i was someone, a personality of a sort. but the more i think, the more i come to realise, that up until now i lived for everybody, but not me. i lived for my friends, my loved ones, always blamed myself, if something went wrong. but that bullshit! it's not my fault, and i'm not taking the blame anymore. just forget it. forget who i was, now i'm gonna continue fighting my way through this shit, but this time for a different purpose: not for someone else, but for me. maybe that'll make me a bitch and not as a good friend as i used to be, but i'm gonna have my life. well, and as for the people that won't like it, well that's just not my F*&^% problem ,)

i scream, but without a sound, i cry, but without a tear, i bleed, but without blood...

I woke up to the real life
and I realized It's not worth running from anymore
when there was nowhere left to hide I found out
that nothings real here but I won't stop now until I find a better part of me

I let those hard days get me down
and all the things I hate got in my way
I could've screamed without a sound
I found myself silenced by those things they say