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interviu su viena tokia Marieme Helie Lucas. informatyvus pokalbis, bet retoriniai šitos ponios fokusai suka vidurius ir netgi primena kokį nors rimantą jonadagį.

Marieme Helie Lucas: <...> The right and far-right forces in France have never stopped attacking the 1905-6 secular laws for the past 100 years. They have now found active and powerful partners in Muslim fundamentalist far-right forces which also want to dismantle secularism and to return to the stage when religions had political power and official representation. It is clear that while different religions will compete at a later stage—if they are to succeed in their attempt to eradicate secularism in France—they are useful allies to each other. Just watch how representatives of the Catholic Church and Jewish high authorities support practically every demand by Muslim fundamentalists! The issue of the veil in primary and secondary schools in France is but one of the many demands they constantly devise to fundamentally challenge the laws of the Secular Republic.

kas leidžia truputį geriau įvokti, kaip prancūzijos fašistėliai (pavadinimas!) susibičiuliavo su pirmosios ir antrosios kartos migrantų atžalomis, ir ėmėsi paronojos naujai atrastose pievose.

Marieme Helie Lucas: I object to using the term "sharia law." It presupposes that there is somewhere written a body of laws that are used by all Muslims. A simple overview of laws in Muslim-majority countries shows that there is no such thing. The vast diversity of laws in predominantly Muslim contexts show that laws have different sources: from giving legitimacy to local cultural practices (FGM passing off as Islamic in some regions of Africa), to different religious interpretations (for example Algeria legalized polygamy whilst Tunisia bans it using exactly the same verse of the Qu'ran but with a different reading of it!), to using laws of former colonizers (such as the ban on contraception and abortion in Algeria, using the 1920 French law), and so on. It would therefore be a huge mistake to think that all the laws in Muslim-majority countries have their source in religion.

"Sharia" is a term coined by fundamentalists in order to make believe that such a body of laws exist; using the term just allows more people to believe in its existence.
