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October 2004 Archives

October 3, 2004

emma goldman ir alus

vyko sia savaite didysis persikraustymas is vakaru i rytus. kelione traukiniu tris dienas iki chikagos. tenai buvom kapinese kur palaidota emma goldman, nes ji norejo but salia haymarket martyrs , kuriu istorija radikalizavo amerikos darbininku ir anarchistu judejima. istorija trumpai: 1886 geguzes pirmaja vyko didele demonstracija uz 8 val. darbo diena. 80 tukstanciu zmoniu ejo chikagos gatvem ir verslininkai issigande 'revoliucijos' iskviete policija, kazkas mete bomba i atejusios policijos grupe ir jie pradejo saudyt i minia. prasidejo reidai i profsajungas, radikalu gaudymas, buvo suimti astuoni aktyvus darbibinku judejimo dalyviai anarchistai ir apkaltinti issprovokave savo kalbom kazka metusi bomba. 4 buvo nuteisti mirtim, vienas nusizude kalejime. tik po azkiek laiko buvo oficiali amnestija. taip geguzes pirma tapo pasauline darbininku diena.
emmai goldman tai buvo posukis i anarchizma. su savo draugu alexandrui berkmanu suplanavo pramoninko fincho zmogzudyste , uz tai kad jis brutaliai susidorojo su darbininku streiku. berkmanas tik suzeide ji ir buvo suimtas ir nuteistas 22 metams kalejimo. po to emmos goldman paziuros i smurta pasikeite.
tose kapines daug visokiu idomybiu. paminklai su uzrasais pvz. e.r. balchowsky - artist, poet, one-armed pianist, veteran of spanish civil war as a volunteer in abraham lincoln brigade. yoor friends, family and fellow 'premature anti-fascists' salute you.
arba - geraldine lightfoot, 1912-1962. foremost fighter against race, nation and sex oppression.
emma goldman gimus kaune, kaip ir as, tai bandziau surast kokio tai bendrumo ir gaut ikvepimo nuveikt geru darbu. nezinau ar likau ikveptas ar ne, nes gal nesu didelis simboliu ir mistikos megejas, bet kazkas liko.

po to kita diena buvom lenkiskam rajone milwaukee ave. tipo polish village. labai linksma buvo, lenku chroniukai besitresiantys centus prie lenkisku parduotuviu, lenkiskos knaipes su lenkisku alum. parduotuvej viskas kas tas pats kas lenkijoj. kartais beprasmiai dalykai kaip kanadietiskos sojos pupeles pakuotos lenkijoj, arba ryziai , akivaizdziai ne lenkijoj auginti. bet zmones sentimentalus ir ipakavimas(kaip visada daug reiskia). paemem pasztet sojowy. kitoj alko parduotuvej radom lietuvisko alaus - utenos ir kalnapilio, ir alaus is visos rytu europos- latvisko, rusisko, ukrainietisko, lenkisko aisku ir t.t. del ivairoves prigriebem po viena utenos, kazkokio ukrainietisko ir slovenisko. bijau uzsitraukt nemalone ir but pasmerktas lietuvisko alaus patrijotu bet kai kuris amerikietiskas mazu alaus daryklu alus kol kas pats geriausias is visu. kad ir kaip butu keista. ir plius ant keik 'didelis leituviskas' alus lietuviskas>? utena , svyturys, kalnapilis visos daryklos priklauso ne lietuviams. bet vel griztam prie ipakavimu ir etikeciu svarbos,

October 8, 2004

kulturos vartojimas

pamaciau kad niujorke zymiajam abc no rio groja robotnicka. apsidziaugiau baisiai, bet po to paziurejau i ju puslapi o ten sako turas del rimtu tarpusavio problemu atidetas. ne kas.
anthology film archives jonas mekas rodo savo prisiminimus is lietuvos(ir is visur kitur). ten irgi norisi, ir jau senokai bandau sumedziot senuka pokalbiui, bet jis ten iki pirmos valandos dirba, tai pora kartu nepasiseke.
blue stockings radikaliam knygyne/kavinej : Open-Mike: Urban Latte is an evening for young, urban youth to express their thoughts,
feelings and emotions on love, hate, fate, heartbreak, jealousy,
frustration, stress, fear, sex, dating, family, friends, foes, first times
and New York City.

tiek daug galimybiu pavartot kulturos.

October 16, 2004


skaiciau sivakar knyga ir vienas skyrius buvo apie IP - intelektualine nuosavybe, ten radau gera linka i puslapi apie copyrights su kruva informacijos - nuo filosofines, teorines iki teisines ir praktines.
prisiminiau visus matytus 'pakazuchinius' straipsius laikrasciuose apie gaudomus 'vagis', teismus ir t.t.
po to pagalvojau kad per savo goduma dideles kompanijos nepalieka kitos galimybes , bent jau lietuvoj, pagalvojau kad niekada nebuciau galejes ipirkt 'originalaus' kompakto. tas pats kaip su degtine ir pilstuku turbut.
po to prisiminiau kaimynka mokytoja kuri sake kad jos filosofija jei atlikejai uzdirba daugiau nei milijona yra moralu juos 'apvogt'.
hardcore books forume puikus linkas i politine/propagandine audio literatura

ziurejau supersize me. vienas is amerikietiskos dokumentiniu(kai kam propagandiniu) filmu bangos. apie eksperimenta valgant menesi laiko mcdonald's ir ziurint kas atsitinka. o atsitinka ne kas. aisku mcdonalds cia labaiu kaip simbolis , problema daug didesne, greitas maistas, greitas gyvenimas, pigus maistas, reklama, propaganda, gyvenimo budas ir t.t.
yra daugybe galimybiu but veganu, valgyt sveikiausia ekologiska maista, jei valgyt ne namie rast super sveika vieta ir t.t. bet tada reikia suprast kad tam reikalinga atitinkama klases privilegija, jeigu dirbi greito maisto restorane ir gauni minimalu uzmokesti, vienintelis maistas kuri gali ipirkt ir yra tas pats greitas, pigus ir blogas.
o del globalizacijos ir pasaulines konkurencijos, gerai apmokamiems darbams iskeliaujant i indija ar indonezija, pigia darbo jega aptarnavimo sferoj tampa vis daugiau amerikieciu amerikoj.
ir .t.t.t.t.t

October 19, 2004


vakar buvo vienas is labai retu apsilankymu kino teatre - motociklo dienorasciai . apei jauno ernesto guevaros(veliau tapusio revoliucijos simboliu) ir alberto grenado kelione per lotynu amerika. baisiai grazus vaizdai. smagus ziurejimas.

o sivakar what to do in case of fire. suholivudintas vokiskas filmas apie anarcho-punkus perdegusius ir ne , ir kazkokias istorija apei bombas, policija ir t.t.
subkultura for sale, as usual.

October 23, 2004


nato ne NATO, radikalus menas.

dar meno . grazumelis.

October 25, 2004

uz ka bebalsuotum jie visada laimi?

susikaupe biski minciu apie rinkimus ir balsvaima. jeigu netiki santvarka ir politiniu procesu ir nenori nieko turet bendro, nes viskas atrodo tiktai spektaklis ir zinai kad ir uz ka bebalsuotum 'jie' visada laimi. bet ar yra tam isimciu? manau daug anarchistu ir visokiausio plauko politsku ir nepolitisku balsavo pries le pena prancuzijoj, vien del to kad zinojo kad negali leist kad tai atsitiku ir tai galbut buvo paskutine galimybe. ar sugadintas biuletenis butu buves pareiskimas?
tas pats del buso. tie kam nepatinka busas, bet nepatinka ir keris renkasi 'mazesne blogybe', aisku labai liudna matyt ta amzina mazesniyu blogybiu pasirinkima, ir zmoniu netikejima kad galima kazkaip kitaip suorganizuot politine sistema kur valdzia neatitektu keletui zmoniu kurie nusprestu visus svarbius sprendimus. bet visi gyvenam siandien ir cia, ir ka galima padaryt cia ir dabar. ar gali tie kurie netiki/priesinasi siai sistemai gali save kazkaip pateisint pries ,tarkim busui laimejus dar ketveriems metams, zmones kurie bus nuzudyti 'gerio' kovoj pries 'blogi', isnykusiais gyvunu rusis, nuniokota gamta, pasaulio taika ir t.t. visas dideles dideles problemas? nesakau kad busas tai viso ko blogis, bet jeigu jis yra nuoseklaus judejimo vidury kuris veda prie vis liudnesniu pasekmiu ar turi kas nors ko nors imtis ar palikt tai issisprest savaime?
cia nenoriu kad skambetu kaip rinkimu agitacija, bet manau tai svarbus klausimai kuriuos reikia sau uzduot. esme tame, kad gyvendami visuomeneje mes esam politiski, net jeigu ir save vadinam apolitiskais. kai nedarai absoliuciai nieko tai yra kaip pareiskimas kad sutinki su tuo kas vyksta. del to kaukoles piesimas ant biuletenio yra geriau nei nieko.

ziurejau dokumentini filma God on Our Side: George W. Bush and the Rise of the Religious Right. tai kazkaip dar pasidare baisiau. kur anksciau galvojau kad cia viskas apie pinigus bet pasirodo jis galvoja kad jis dievo paskirtas ir tai kazkokia lemiama blogio ir gerio kova.

cia vieno ex-kaimyno rinkimine veikla. gaila kad neturim lietuvoj tokio demokatijos supratimo, kad gali imt ir kazka padaryt, gal ir ne iki galo ar ne visai gerai, bet tiket kad kazkas galima pakeist, o ne kad viskas is anksto uz tave nuspresta.

Hello to all of you in the "Coalition of the Willing"
to Defeat Bush,

I don't have much time to write.
Thank you to everyone of you who have contributed,
money of all amounts, advice and support. You have
made this all possible.

Thanks to an e-mail sent to me by Linda Cloud, I am
bringing Lila Liscomb, the militarymom featured in
Fahrenheit 9/11 and Andrew Rice, whose brother was
killed on September 11, 2001 in the World Trade
Center, to Akron University.

I got a fraternity to sponsor the event that will take
place Tuesday, October 26.

We will air Fahrenheit 9/11 and the Lila and Andrew
will speak for an hour afterward.

I am making the flyers right now and need to start
distributing them.

We will be at Michael Moore's Event at Kent State on
the 24th.

We decide the event at the Highland theater was going
to cost to much money (by the time it was over the
total bills would have been over $6000).

Instead, we decided to put on more local events at
libraries at no cost.

I rented a projector, a screen, a PA system and a
vehicle to move all this equipment arround.

The vehicle is now a moving bill board.

I know some of you may find this distasteful, but it
seems to work really well out here. The sign says
Buck Fush - Get Out and Vote.

People out here love it. I get thumbs up and honks
all the time.

We are going to any events where there are lots of
people and selling Buck Fush T-shirts and handing out

We are reaching more people with this vehicle than we
would have with the one expensive event that would
have cost 2.5 times the price.

A correction that I need to tell you about. The
person I am working with was mistaken when he told me
the commercial would be national. I thought that was
way to cheap. National spots cost several thousand
dollars each.

So, the commercial is airing in the Akron/Canton
viewing area (500,000 viewers). Supposedly, Summit
and Stark counties, which are in this area are the
most important counties in Ohio for getting out the
vote of the anti-bush voters. So, I am hoping it will
have a big effect.

The designer of the website has had some problems
getting the site up. It should be up soon. The home
page of the website is the front of a flyer we

If you are interested, I would check in Wed. to see if
the site is up and running.


I am going to see if we can get the commercial and
some of the pictures of us at events up on the site so
you all can see what we have been doing out here.


October 26, 2004

naujas amerikos amzius

Our aim is to remind Americans of these lessons and to draw their consequences for today. Here are four consequences:

• we need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global
today and modernize our armed forces for the future;

• we need to strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values;

• we need to promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad;

• we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.

Such a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity may not be fashionable today. But it is necessary if the United States is to build on the successes of this past century and to ensure our security and our greatness in the next.

ultra konservatyvios ir ypatingai itakingos grupes (paziurek i pasirasiusiu po statement of principles pavardes) puslapis. atrodo kad pagal juos formuojama uzsienio politika. project for the new american century

o cia apie juos is kitos puses.


perskaiciau straipsni apie kaima delfy:

"Nors kaime išlaidos mažesnės, vis dėlto ir gyvenimo kokybė čia prastesnė – apie išlaidas pramogoms nėra ką ir kalbėti, nors, žinoma, jei būtų už ką, žmonės mielai nuvažiuotų kad ir į „Akropolį“ – pačiame kaime kultūrintis beveik nėra kur"

...kulturintis i 'akropoli'...

paemiau is bibliotekos lee perry kompakta ir radau linksmu faktu apie ji:

"The alternate cosmology Perry bagan to profess two decades ago has seen inscrutable actions and often baffling proclamations. He is devout Rastafarian who believes in extraterrestrials and has likened himself to ET; he advocates black supremacy and waits for the installment of a theocratic world government, insisting that God and Jesus are black, but has fathered two children with a wealthy white Swiss woman he married in a Hare Krishna temple"...


kelias namo ,korejietiskas filmas apie islepusi vaika ir jo senele. kur norisi ta vaika beziurint pritrekst, bet tai galbut zenklas kad filmas geras ir gera jo vaidyba.

laikas girtiems arklaims .irano kurdu filmas. ziauri realybe. super filmas.

zadu sau neziuret tiek daug dezes, turiu daug mokintis ir siaip verciau knyga paskaityt laisvu laiku, bet vis kazkakip iseina velai vakare. ech.
gyvenimas suburbijoj


October 28, 2004

be pabaigos

Is there anyone prepared to tell me why?
Tell me why I'm being sucked dry?
Oh yes, that is yours and this is mine
As long as the balance is out, that's fine
I don't define the terms of the oppression
Do you awake to that dull and grey depression?
You ride on me
Suck my energy
You take what you want when you want it
You reject any change that I make
You ask me for more when I've spent it
When I've given it all, you still take
Is there anyone prepared to tell me why?
Tell me why I'm being sucked dry?
Oh yes I know the lines you draw are for protection
The number given for a name is simply for detection
I know I'm only paper in a file
But couldn't you treat me as a human for a while?
You ride on me
Suck my energy
You take what you want when you want it
You reject any change that I make
You ask me for more when I've spent it
When I've given it all, you still take
Is there anyone prepared to tell me why?
Tell me why I'm being sucked dry?
You offer your protection, but insist when I decline
You offer independence, but demand I tow the line
You say you give me freedom, but you hang on to the key
Well don't you think, perhaps, the decision's up to me?
You ride on me
Suck my energy
You take what you want when you want it
You reject any change that I make
You ask me for more when I've spent it
When I've given it all, you still take
Is there anyone prepared to tell me why?
Tell me why I'm being sucked dry?
So tell me I'm dreaming if I want to live
And I'll tell you you're just scheming to make me give
More than I want to, more than I can
You don't want person, you just want woman
You hide behind logic, secure with your facts
You've a history of time to back up your claims
Protecting the future by filling up the cracks
The might expose the real nature of your games
You want woman cos she's children for your system
Well people wither in that living death
You hide behind your prejudice, afraid of my wisdom
Afraid I might question your unquestioned worth
You ride on me
Suck my energy
You take what you want when you want it
You reject any change that I make
You ask me for more when I've spent it
When I've given it all, you still take
Is there anyone prepared to tell me why?
Tell me why I'm being sucked dry?
Used as a tool? Treated like a fool?
Shat on? Spat on?
Totally confused?
Fucked up? Mucked up?
Totally abused?
Pulled about? Fooled about?
Treated like a toy?
Joked about? Poked about?
Something to destroy?
Tricked? Kicked?
I don't want these games.

radau viesojoj bibliotekoj crass. sitas albumas(penis envy) vienas is paciu mano megstamiausiu punk irasu. ir super tekstai. rekomenduotina feministofobams, tiems kurie nesugeba ir nenori pamatyt nelygybes ,dominacijos ir priespaudos egzistavima.
cia labai tiktu john stuart mill citata:

"Was there ever any domination that it did not appear natural to those who possessed it?"

vyras vs moteris, rase vs kita rase, mano religija vs tavo religija, mano valstybe vs tavo valstybe, zmogus vs gamta ir t.t. be pabaigos

About October 2004

This page contains all entries posted to ninjutsu in October 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2004 is the previous archive.

November 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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