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"We don't seek empires. We're not imperialistic. We never have been. I can't imagine why you'd even ask the question." Donald Rumsfeld, questioned by an al-Jazeera correspondent, April 29, 2003.
cia blog'ai is irako, kitokia informacija.

700 amerikieciu zuvo nuo karo pradzios, apie 10 tukstanciu irakieciu, busas nesiruosia pasitraukt, ir nemato panasumu tarp irako ir vietnamo. yra balsu kad kuo daugiau amerikieciu zus, tuo daugiau bus spaudimo namuose, be to arteja prezidento rinkimai lapkriti. as isitikines kad bus siurprizu, gal ne rugsejo 11, bet kazkas didelio turi ivykt kad busas taptu nacionaliniu didvyriu ir ne butu tinkamas laikas kitam prezidentui. siaip ar taip nieko nepasikeis. kaip senas anarchistinis posakis sako jei rinkimai ka nors pakeistu jie nebutu legalus. kerry toks pats karo istroskes, korporaciju remiamas veidmainis. nera (arba yra labai mazai) sansu kad kas nors neturintis ir neremiamas dideliu pinigu ir interesu galetu iskopt i tokias valdzios virsunes. taip kad vienaip ar kitaip jav uzsienio politika isliks tokia pati ar panasi.

nezinojau kad einsteinas buvo toks kietas ne tik mokslininkas bet zmogus , mastytojas , pacifistas. turiu dabar knyga 'einstein on peace', cia istrauka is laisko belgijos karalienei 1955:

"When I look at mankind today , nothing astonishes me quite so much as the shortness of man's memory with regard to political developments. Yesterday the Nuremberg trials, today the all-out effort to rearm Germany. In seeking for some kind of explanation, I cannot rid myself of the thought that this , the last of my fatherlands, has invented for it's own use a new kind of colonialism, one that is less cospicious than the colonialsim of old Europe. It achieves domination of other countries by investing American capital abroad, which makes those countries firmly dependent on the United States. Anyone who opposes this policy or it's implicationsis treated as an enemy of the United States."

ir dar kazkas minejo ,jis pasake kad jei butu zinojes kokiems tikslams ir kokios pasekmes bus del jo branduoliniu tyrimu, jis butu tapes santechniku o ne mokslininku.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 18, 2004 10:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was subkulturos padeda parduot.

The next post in this blog is ameriku mokykla.

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