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Enero 2012 Archives

Enero 13, 2012

in the seedy heart of an unnamed mideast city

labiausiai cyberpunk skaitalas pastaruoju metu:

In April 2009 it was reported from Saudi Arabia that rumors that Singer sewing machines contained "red mercury" had caused the prices of such machines to massively increase in the Kingdom, with some paying up to SR 200,000 for a single machine which could previously have been bought for SR 200. Believers in the rumor claimed that the presence of red mercury in the sewing machines' needles could be detected using a mobile telephone; if the line cut off when the telephone was placed near to the needle, this supposedly proved that the substance was present.

In Medina there was a busy trade in the sewing machines, with buyers seen using mobile phones to check the machines for red mercury content, while it was reported that others had resorted to theft, with two tailors' shops in Dhulum broken into and their sewing machines stolen. At other locales, there were rumors that a Kuwait-based multinational had been buying up the Singer machines, while in Al-Jouf, the residents were led to believe that a local museum was buying up any such machines that it could find, and numerous women appeared at the museum offering to sell their Singer machines.

There was little agreement among believers in the story as to the exact nature or even color of the red mercury, while the supposed uses for it ranged from it being an essential component of nuclear power, to having the ability to summon jinn, extract gold, or locate buried treasure and perform other forms of magic. The official spokesman for the Riyadh police said that the rumors had been started by gangs attempting to swindle people out of their money, and denied the existence of red mercury in sewing machines.

Enero 28, 2012


įspūdis po poros savaičių -- miestas, kuriame galvojama. ir žymiai mažiau latentinės agresijos.
traukiniuose visi skaito, vagonas atverstų puslapių pralekia pro šalį kaip vėjo šuoras bibliotekoje. daug hipsterių su dviračiais. juodas bokštas prie stroikių apniktos ostkreuz stoties naktį atrodo kaip fucking minas tiritas. važiuoti dviračiu išgėrus per kreuzbergą, jupiteris landwehrkanale.

vieta, kur aš dirbu, vadinasi schwarzschild haus. difuzinė šviesa, daug stiklo, viržynas ant stogo, teleskopai visur aplink, dar truputį toliau -- tiltas, ant kurio apsikeisdavo šnipais. rūsyje, apsiklijavę dilbertais, sėdi itos. 'jei nori kažką susiinstaliuoti, prašyk mario. bet neišsigąsk, jis toks grumpy, paburbės, kaip tau to nereikia, pasakys, kad nedarys, o po poros valandų viskas įvyks. nors žinai ką, geriau parašyk emailą, nereikės su juo kalbėti.'

itos netiki fizikais ir neduoda mums rootų. deja, netiki gana pagrįstai, štai užvakarykštė istorija.

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