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Kai stiprus anti-graffiti klimatas ir nera i ka akis paganyt neisvengiamai tenka stebet kaip su graffiti yra tvarkomasi. Kartais rezultatai visai linksmi ir tada bandau isivaizduot ar tie, kurie uzdazineja graffiti paslapcia ar pasamoningai: a) graffiti zavisi, b) patys jaucia malonuma palikt zyme gatvej c) ir turi meniniu polinkiu
va keletas pavyzdziu:

sita vadinu 'anti-graffiti hotdogas'

o sitas siaip mielas

Aisku nereiskia, kad graffiti nera - vaizdai

O cia siaip citata pavasariskai dienai:

"I think that pleasure is a very difficult behavior. It's not as simple as that to enjoy one's self. And I must say that's my dream. I would like and hope I die of an overdose of pleasure of any kind. Because I think it's really difficult and I always have the feeling that I do not feel the pleasure, the complete total pleasure and, for me, it's related to death. Because I think that the kind of pleasure I would consider as the real pleasure, would be so deep, so intense, so overwhelming that I couldn't survive it. I would die." -Michel Foucault


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 24, 2008 10:40 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Г.O..

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