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paskaites xdirtx apie kritine mase uzsokau ant situ - flash mob. kazkame panasaus teko dalyvaut no border stovykloj frankfurte. po to uzsokau ant situ - foto.po to ant sito - There really IS nothing in the physical/material world that can be counted on as reliable for the future. Thinking one is "secure" is naive. The only thing certain is change. There is, though, greater 'security', greater capacity, and greater functionality in creatively resourceful, perceptively responsible autonomously motivating group cooperation. When a group of people contribute and cooperate, there can be more and better accomplished, in cooperative living, more for each and all than each individually could manage. cia.

o siaip pradejau rasyt, kad apsiskelbt jog pradedu sia valanda savo dvieju savaiciu atostogas. rytoj lektuvas ims greiti, o as sakysiu tai tik laikina :) (grizes butinai klausysiu sa-sa). susitiksim su kai kuriais is jusu gatvese. nes jau kiek galima.

Comments (1)


nu, ir kaip gi ispudziai grizus, pabuvus marijos zemej???


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