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katalikybė - been there done that

"Catholic childhood religious indoctrination is chillingly effective. Its most powerful weapons are guilt and the fear of a literal hell. When a child is taught that the simple act of doubting or questioning any of the Church’s teachings is a sin, and that even the tiniest of sins can result in an eternity spent in a literal hell, they quickly learn to suppress those doubts and to feel intense shame, guilt, and fear when they fail to do so.

Think for a second about how cruel that is. To ensure that the Catholic mind virus is passed down through the generations, the Church is willing to crush children’s curiosity and to stifle or completely destroy their ability to think critically."

via excatolicgirl


panašiai ir visur kitur - šeimoj, daržely, mokykloj, univere, darbe. visa kultūra tuo šūdu persmelkta. kiekvienas už „blogas“ mintis baudžia pats save. kartais atrodo, kad visuomenė galutinai nežlunga vien dėl to, kad visi jaučiasi dėl visko kalti.

my dogma ate my catma. pope ratzinger's royal court astronomer is talking about baptising aliens. the mental prison extends slightly beyond perceivable reality, into both space and time, as a counterfeit of the divinely ordered cosmos. the tyranny has to emulate reality in order to be effective, and there is the hint, that it can never really succeed.
