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how many times does the thought cross the mind of people, that they know their friends? for a mistake i thought so too. trusting people is like diving off a cliff into an ocean. you never know if you'll ever reach the surface again. for some reason it's weird. you lose trust in one person, you lose it all. you start to doubt even your closest friends, people that would always be there for you and never leave you in the dark. that's how i see the meaning of the word friend. naive, i know...
how can you regain trust in a person, if you lost trust in humanity itself?...


Gera savaitele apmastymo ir savianalizes su alaus ir vienatves pagalba ...

yeah, right.
please, say something new
or go back to your decaf.

shiaip blog'ai yra ne tam, kad pasakytum kazhka naujo, ar nustebintum kazhkuo, ko kiti dar nezhino, o tam kad ishlietum mintis, tajp kad jej taw realiai kazhkas nepatinka, gali neskaityt.