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[Links] Mano dienos

Labai geras, tikriausiai visiems zmonems savitas pastebejimas :"... the usual, toasters, silverware, books, etc. Upon seeing these mundane objects I suddenly realized that everything around me had a human being behind it. Not just the student-built toaster, but the case that held it, the wall that held the case, the linoleum under my feet the shoes on my feet my jeans, the cat-eye glasses on the woman explaining why the school was a good investment, the brochure in her hands, everything..." [elegant hack]

Kas gali padieti tvarkant kerneli? Linux Cross-Reference

Pasidariau LifeJournal accounta su nuostalginiu vardu 'mataanin' (jei, zninoma, kazhkas skaite Golovaceva). ir dabar turiu visus skaitomus gyvenimo zhurnalus vienoje vietoje draugai ir rashytojai.

Pasirodo Apachis ir shiaip HTTP turi geras keshavimo galimyybes. Galima rashyti ir letesnes, dideles svetaines:)


Taip, savo LJ accounta bent jau del dragu tureti verta :) Ypac kai dabar tampa populiarus "uzdari" accountai.
Na ka, sekmes :)