November 3, 2005

mirtis tibeto tradicijoje

VU Filologijos Fakultetas. 118 auditorija. (Vinco Kreves)

sorry, kad taip velai, pats ka tik pamaciau.


Posted by xdirtx at November 3, 2005 3:58 PM

nerasysiu nieko apie pacia paskaita. kazkiek buvo idomu, kazkiek neidomu, kazkiek praleidau del 'aplinkos' itakos ;)
bet po paskaitos, neisdrises paklaust garsiai, parasiau profesoriui tris klausimus ir buvo toks pokalbis:

1.Can one heal his wounds without becoming adopt of buddism or hiring a shaman?
PR. yes, that is possible. sometimes you don't even know you are healing yourself and the others.

2.Where all the new souls come from? I mean, population grows so fast. Does some abstract "space" provide them?
PR. yes, it is space, and not some abstract, but this very space and these very spirits of the Earth.
-Nature, you mean?
PR. yes, in the recent times most of the new souls are coming out of nature.
-Doesn't it make Nature weaker and things worse?
PR. yes, it does. overpopulation harms not only land, but also and spiritual world too.

3.Why does exactly is suicide 'bad'? I mean, you're harming anone by this act, do you?
PR. you are harming yourself.
-that's the answer?
PR. there are some exceptions. but these must have high motivation. like vietnamiese monks commiting suicides as protest against the war on vietnam.
-so, if on believes he's on the right way and he is strong enough to commit suicide if it is required them it is ok?
PR. basically, yes. it is all about motivation and high will.
-does it mean political prisoners starving to death for their beliefs aren't breaking the rule of karma?
PR. yes..
PR. but you must practise a lot before that.. you must know some things..
-doesn't it conflict with first question?
PR. I don't think so.. I think you should learn a bit.. sorry, I need to go..

gaila, kad vis delto nedrisau paklaust anksciau, kai jis dar turejo laiko, nes kai gauni atsakymus i klausimus, tia info daug geriau isisavina, nei paskaitos metu, kuri kiek bebutu praskaidrinta juokeliais ar idomioms situacijom ('one day you wake up dead'), vis tiek truputeli migdo ir neveikia taip, kaip pokalbis.

Posted by: xdirtx at November 4, 2005 2:13 AM