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Aamma kikkunukua kinguaavi?

This means "who are these people?" or, by extension, "kas cia okupantas?" in the lanbguage of Greenland, a country unrecognized by the UN but with a rudimentary state structure loosely affiliated with and subsidized by the Kingdom of Denmark. It is thus the only Native American country in the Americas, with the possible exception of Bolivia currently and perhaps Belize in the future.

Following on the last post about Danish and French NATO forces beheading Africans based on their skin color in Libya, hardly surprising since the "transitional government" is made up of known CIA proxies and "al Qaeda" which is also completely run and originated by CIA and MI6, it seems time to examine genocide within certain NATO "countries."

This time it's Canada's turn.

Canada: another territory masquerading as a country, possessed and ruled directly by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. In fact, it appears the queen is directly involved in murdering native children, since according to witnesses ten native children who met with her and her unabashedly Nazi and pro-genocide husband disappeared and were never heard from again.

If you're interested in Canada's continuing genocide against what it calls First Peoples (natives), check out Kevin Annett's now free book, "No Longer Hidden," available for download as a PDF at hiddennolonger.com

If you're interested in browsing blood-curdling tales of murder, rape and genocide, check out his earlier site and the links there:


(including details of Hollywood actor Eddie Murphy's rape and "disposal" of native children in Vancouver).

If you still haven't had your fill, move on to Dave McGowan's Center for an Informed America site


for some basic background on mind control in North America. Did you know a Lithuanian married a Rockefeller, and her brother was "the first hippy" inducting youth in southern California into the CIA mind control cult that became the 60s counter-culture? Did you know toddler son died while on LSD and probably while being filmed as the star of the film "Lucifer Rising." After the child's death the role was given to an associate of Charles Manson, a person who also has deep connections with Lithuanians. Again, this is hardly surprising if you look at how Vitkauskas (not Luksa) posed the beheaded body and head of Rabbi Zalman Osovsky in Slobodka, the Jewish neighborhood of Kaunas, in June of 1941. (see www.parliament.uk/edm/2010-12/2161 for more on that).

So far we've got five NATO "member-states" who have or are now carrying out genocide: the "Republic" of Lithuania, the Dominion of Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, France and the United Kingdom. Since NATO is known to be actually run by the United States, no matter how the "member-states" deny it, Barack Hussein Soetero-Obama, the offspring of Arab and Arab-loyaist slavers in East Africa, has to be held responsible for the slaughter of black Africans in Libya, not to mention his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. That makes six.

(Under the United Nations charter, member-states not only have the right to interfere in another sovereign country in order to stop genocide, they have an obligation to do so. This was Tony Blair's argument for bombing Yugoslavia, to stop what was not a genocide of but a battle with Kosovar separatists. This means all UN member-states are obligated to make war upon all NATO countries. If they do not, the UN charter is null and void.)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 13, 2011 2:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Walter Fauntroy, Feared Dead in Libya, Returns Home—Guess Who He Saw Doing the Killing?.

The next post in this blog is Ringing in the Fifth World.

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