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Octubre 2008 Archives

Octubre 1, 2008

the black cat

Broadcast - Black Cat lyrics

Sapphire her burning eyes
Model euphonic paradigms
Awkwardness happening to someone you love
Awkwardness happening to someone you love
The black cat the black cat
Curiouser and curiouser
The black cat the black cat
Curiouser and curiouser

Shadowing masonic verve
Follows the pharaoh and the worm
Awkwardness happening to someone you love
Awkwardness happening to someone you love
The black cat the black cat
Curiouser and curiouser
The black cat the black cat
Curiouser and curiouser

Mirror mirror on the wall
Into the purring night you call
Awkwardness happening to someone you love
Awkwardness happening to someone you love
The black cat the black cat
Curiouser and curiouser
The black cat the black cat
Curiouser and curiouser

Awkwardness happening
Awkwardness happening

šiaip youtube nežiūriu ir nesiūlau, bet šitas užkliuvo. cat things to do.

kas būnam užaugę

istorija apie profesijų pavadinimus ir kas iš to išeina.
I’ve always avoided describing myself as an astronomer, because most people seem to think that involves star signs and horoscopes. Anyone can tell I’m not an astrologer anyway, because I’m not rich. Astrophysicist sounds more impressive, but perhaps a bit too scary. That’s why I settled on “Cosmologist”. Grandiose, but at the same time somehow cuddly.

Octubre 10, 2008

cute overlord

du faktai iš interneto apie kačių auklėjimą:

- Nepamirškite, kad katės nieko nedaro be priežasties.
- Katės galvoja, kad žmonės - tai labai didelės katės, kurios turi konservų atidarytuvą.

Octubre 29, 2008

kaip tvarkotės?

klausimas besimokantiems ir rašantiems darbus:
kaip tvarkotės su straipsniais/nuorodomis/citatomis/informacija? ar viską atsispausdinat, ar tiesiog saugot folderiuose, o gal yra gudresnių vietų tinkle, į kur galima mesti nuorodas/uploadinti failus/dalintis jais?
tingiu ieškot.

About Octubre 2008

This page contains all entries posted to opit in Octubre 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

Septiembre 2008 is the previous archive.

Noviembre 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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