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Octubre 3, 2007

skaitinys: mokslas islamo pasaulyje

geras Quaid-i-Azam universiteto Pakistane fiziko straipsnis apie mokslo nuosmukį ir mokslo filosofiją Islamo pasaulyje.

In the 1980s an imagined "Islamic science" was posed as an alternative to "Western science." Muslim ideologues announced that a new science was about to be built on lofty moral principles such as tawheed (unity of God), ibadah (worship), khilafah (trusteeship), and rejection of zulm (tyranny), and that revelation rather than reason would be the ultimate guide to valid knowledge.
Others took as literal statements of scientific fact verses from the Qur'an that related to descriptions of the physical world. Those attempts led to many elaborate and expensive Islamic science conferences around the world. Some scholars calculated the temperature of Hell, others the chemical composition of heavenly djinnis. None produced a new machine or instrument, conducted an experiment, or even formulated a single testable hypothesis.

Posted by kpmg at Octubre 3, 2007 12:38 PM kaip.tik.ten