subjektyviai išsibalansavęs
Pozityvo, ‚gyvenimo susitvarkymo,‘ darbo terapijos, atsijungimo nuo žmonių ir telefonų savaitgalis baigiasi ne puikiu planu, išvadom, rezoliucijom, pakylėjimu ir prašviesėjimu, o Dystopia ‚Human=Garbage‘ klausymu.
Slaptažodžiai, pinkodai, renginių leidimo formos, ataskaitos, parašai. Muzikos perteklius, žmonių perteklius, bėgimas, mėtymasis, svaigalai. Bandymai susikurt ramybę, tylą, pastebėt detales. Viskas susimaišę į vieną bio-psicho-masę. Kapitalizmas ir šizofrenija. Kiber-techno-tinklinis autizmas.
Romantizuotos tikrovės paieškos, sentimentalūs susidūrimai su marginalizuotom erdvėm ir žmonėm. Planai, svajonės, siekiai šiandien kuriami, o rytoj užmirštami. Duona, žaidimai, pokalbiai ir pokalbiai ir pokalbiai. Svetimų problemų sprendimai. Savų nesprendimai.Ribų tarp jų nebuvimai.
Totalus išsiblaškymas. Reikia stengtis, kad total distraction nevirstų total destruction.
Šiek tiek į temą paskutinio meto skaitinių:
Semiocapital puts neuro-psychic energies to work, submitting them to mechanistic speed, compelling cognitive activity to follow the rhythm of networked productivity. As a result, the emotional sphere linked with cognition is stressed to its limit. Cyberspace overloads cybertime, because cyberspace is an unbounded sphere whose speed can accelerate without limits, while cybertime (the organic time of attention, memory, imagination) cannot be sped up beyond a certain point—or it cracks. And it actually is cracking, collapsing under the stress of hyper-productivity. An epidemic of panic and depression is now spreading throughout the circuits of the social brain.
[ Bifo Cognitarian Subjectivation ]
Any reaction to social injustice and a growing awareness of the need for social change is not something that people can initially arrive at by rational calculation. It’s not a matter of one day deciding that it makes more sense to aim towards, or, as is the case today, keep alive the notion of revolution. In instances such as these, as with most others, the emotional and the rational are working together, feeding-off each other. Even then it could be offered that emotion is, for many, a greater spur towards communication than the need to sit down and write a treatise on value, but I feel that there is, in the leftist milieus, a ‘subjective imbalance’ that tends towards the objective and the rational. This is in part caused by this milieus’ orientation towards a distant beyond (revolution).
[ H. Slater Evacuate the Leftist Bunker ]