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Eastern Europe was a different world from the West. If nothing else,...she confirmed the Westerner's conviction that he lived in a better world. Eastern Europe was the dark reverse side, the alter ego, a world which Western Europe could have been like, but, unfortunately, was not. And that is why the Westerner loved her. He loved her modest beauty, her poverty, her melancholy and her suffering, her...otherness...The Westerner came to Eastern Europe, she could not go to him, and that was freedom too, freedom from reciprocity...Eastern Europe was his secret, a mistress content with little. At home he had a faithful wife, order and work. Like every mistress, Eastern Europe only strengthened his marriage.
- Dubravka Ugrešič, The Culture of Lies: Antipolitical Essays

Uztikau citata, bet butu idomu paskaityt ir visa knyga (kadanors).

O dar ruosiuosi rasyt rasini mokyklini apie Lietuvos (ar po/sovietinius kalejimus) gal kas turi ka parekomenduot paskaityt ar kur ieskot materijolo?

Comments (2)

apie kalėjimus - labai platu, kas būtent domina?

valdiškos aktualijos:

teisės aktai:

kalinių itegravimo NVO (per juos turėtų būti įmanoma užmegzti first-hand kontaktus, jeigu darytum tyrimą ar pan.):



Dekui Katiba,
pasiziuresiu. Paskaita vadinasi "History and the Body". Idomu butu kazka panasaus i sita:

siaip darbas nedideles apimties ir dar nelabai zinau kaip suformuluot, bet idomu butu paanalizuot hierarchija, lyti, seksualuma, diskusijas apie kalejmo homoseksualumo ahistoriskuma, ziniasklaidos reprezentacijas apie ziv/aids "tiksincia bomba", svaigalus etc. Taip pat kaip veikia ar neveikia Foucault panoptikumo ideja LT kalejmuose. Nes bent jau pavirsutiniskai rodos, kad panoptikumas veikia geriau uz kalejmo ribu ir is kalejmu neiseina paklusnus subjektai. Ta prasme, iseina su kitokiom isisavintom idejom vertybem, bet ne santykyje su valdzia.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 7, 2008 10:02 PM.

The previous post in this blog was mediabarcamp.

The next post in this blog is batai.

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