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October 30, 2003

Девочка из 6 класса "Black Metal"

[22:03]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> а не пососешь ли ты потный хер Властелина Тьмы??
[22:05]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> Волосатая нога Тьмы тебя топчет,топтала,и будет топтать!И если твоя тупая харя застрянет между пальцев, ты и не надейся что ты будешь жить дольше!
[22:05]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij>поэтому наглотайся гнилой спермы и заткни ебало, мудак
[22:06]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> поцелуй себя в жопу взасос =) дегенерат =)
[22:09]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> намотай свой нестоящий хуй на автомобильное колесо и сдохни, сволочь
[22:10]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> ты еще кончи себе в рот от своих интеллектуальных речей... имбецил =)
[22:13]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> заткнись, курвожопое ебомудилище, еби тебя в рот конем
[22:14]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> за 10 сек ты только задрочиться можешь безуспешно
[22:15]<+DimmuBorgir> <@melkij> я сейчас больше слов сказала, чем ты , уебок, за всю свою жизнь не запомнишь

October 29, 2003

Doing washing up

Vasaros pradžioje pradėjau rinkti quit'us, kada pabaigia neprisimenu, bet koks nekoks "archyvas" patikusiu yra. Ačiū, kūrėjams!
Štai jie:

[2003-05-03.18:22] *** imbusy has quit IRC (Quit: No Windows, no cry)
[2003-05-03.20:50] *** shvln|php has quit IRC (Quit: Auksas - tai tavo tikslai... Miestas - Laukiniu namai...
Zvaigzdes - pasauliai kiti... Norai - tai, ka jauti...)
[2003-05-09.14:55] *** ognitukas has quit IRC (Quit: Gyvenimas nevisada baigiasi mirtimi, kartais jis pasibaigia vestuvemis.)
[2003-05-09.15:01] *** _strawberry_ has quit IRC (Quit: Danguje visi kalba apie jura..)
[2003-05-09.15:06] *** DespoT has quit IRC (Quit: "640K ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates, 1981)
[2003-05-13.16:49] *** ExSania has quit IRC (Quit: A computer scientist is someone who fixes things that aren't broken.)
[2003-05-13.16:59] *** Death_CroSS has quit IRC (Quit: Angels banished from heaven have no choice but to become DEMONS! http://www.ieskok.lt/index.php?flags=yes&code=114452)
[2003-05-13.18:55] *** Fenixoid has quit IRC (Quit: Quit'as kartais yra labai naudingas dalykas kai per daug IRC sedi... :))))
[2003-05-13.20:11] *** CaggaM has quit IRC (Quit: НАТО - Национальное Американское Террористическое Общество.)
[2003-05-14.16:47] *** Ane4ka`affay has quit IRC (Quit: A moment in a million year called life!)
[2003-05-17.09:54] *** Jack has quit IRC (Quit: Some times nonsense makes sense, but not today... not today)
[2003-05-17.15:21] *** kulinaras has quit IRC (Quit: eXtreme WOMAN.ZIP: Great Shareware, but be careful of viruses...)
[2003-05-18.00:43] *** asilragis has quit IRC (Quit: ..nes niekad nieks nemylejo manes..)
[2003-05-18.13:32] *** [mAd]KaL|auS|a has quit IRC (Quit: eXtreme Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.)
[2003-05-18.13:54] *** kulinaras has quit IRC (Quit: eXtreme Computer possessed? Try DEVICE=C:\EXOR.SYS)
[2003-05-18.14:34] *** ToSHiK has quit IRC (Quit: Ебал я нахуй! утки-утията, гуси- гусята, gandras- гандрята)
[2003-05-19.16:42] *** fireflyer has quit IRC (Quit: (DABAR VISI SUSIKAUPEM IR DUSTAM NX !!))
[2003-05-19.22:30] *** Xujavata has quit IRC (Quit: just a man good and sometimes bad)
[2003-05-19.22:28] *** {Silwe} has quit IRC (Quit: I wanna lay you down on a bed of roses)
[2003-05-23.16:02] *** Mazter has quit IRC (Quit: jabal!)
[2003-06-17.18:09] *** Ronnie has quit IRC (Quit: i gave you hope that became a disappointment.. this is an alright start)
[2003-06-19.11:15] *** Akakij has quit IRC (Quit: "Ну ты и псих", - скажут некоторые. "На дык епть", - отвечу я.)
[2003-06-21.11:03] *** ToSHiK has quit IRC (Quit: аxа! думали тут будет написано: отсасываете?нихуя! тут написано: сасёте! :))
[2003-06-25.20:55] *** HalFas`_ner has quit IRC (Quit: Mirus niekas nepasikeicia)
[2003-07-05.20:45] *** araki has quit IRC (Quit: When the birds won't sing and the wind wont bloooow... Yeah... whatever... fuck for ever...)
[2003-07-05.22:42] *** Liawww has quit IRC (Quit: eeee...I want to live......)
[2003-07-05.22:44] *** WtK has quit IRC (Quit: Ложись девка большая и маленькая.)
[2003-07-06.00:37] *** Domantaz has quit IRC (Quit: 'Despite all my rage i'm still just a rat in a cage..')
[2003-07-07.20:40] *** Wytelis has quit IRC (Quit: If only women came with pull-down menus and online help.)
[2003-08-18.13:24] *** Darijus quit DALnet : Quit: United We Stand - Divided We Fall
[2003-08-18.14:31] *** Iris` quit DALnet : Quit: - my love don't cost a thing......... it's for free!! ;P
[2003-08-20.11:32] *** Jack quit DALnet : Quit: Feeling, Falling, Hating, Feel like I am fading, hating LIFE!
[2003-08-20.13:28] *** Backlight quit DALnet : Quit: C program run. C program crash. C programmer cry.
[2003-08-20.16:00] *** Backlight quit DALnet : Quit: E-mail returned to sender: insufficient voltage.
[2003-08-24.17:31] *** KingK--is-not-respoding quit DALnet : Quit: It was good to be the King.
(Shift + Del)

October 28, 2003

Немного литературы

Похоже на С. Лукьяненко Поед в теплый край

October 22, 2003


Был у девушки компутер, пришел Максим с новыми рамами и монитор провозгласил "NO INPUT DETECTED", Максим подумал "влетел", Джюгас сказал "Nieko tokio", Максим серавно влетел - хотя бы на авторитет, не хотя бы на 150-240лт. Почемму я не умею нихера нормально делать? Почему видео карта может не работать?
Большой, питеканропский и сифилисный ХУЙ!


Гойя "Капричос"
Блок "Двенадцать"

October 18, 2003

Fuck the hole world.

Был в Rotušėlė с #barbakanas, и в Pasaga с Тохой, Фишом и Олей... Скучновато.... пошел бродить, ушел на всё время, через новый мост, зелёный мост,Gedemino, Totorių, Stiklių. Встретился по парам с Симоной и Кристиной, Олей и Витой. Или я отвел взгляд не вовремя или они сделали вид - не узнали. Ну и хрен со мной, ними, этим вечером... а заодно со всем миром.

October 17, 2003

Наш паучок не пролез на Инфобалт

Трудно подумать насколько бы мы лажанулись с Матрицей в Вингисе если техник в АПМ, который в принципе сам этим не занимаясь (по крайней мере не делает на продажу, а только для себя) 15мин нам давал советы. А я в начале объяснения пытался ржать - ЛОХ. Вообше, этот техник чем-то похож на дядю Гену Ахремоваб по крайней мере психологически похожий остаток у меня остался - может они вмести учились...

October 13, 2003

Maybe or would be?


kažkokia klaida

Final-Recipient: rfc822;april_rayan@mail.ru

Action: failed

Status: 5.5.0

Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 Message was not accepted -- invalid mailbox. Local mailbox april_rayan@mail.ru is unavailable: user not found







250 OK


250 2.1.5 Eurosela@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 foreksas@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 greitransa@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 ifc@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 k.telmentas@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 klaidija@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 kpetriko@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 kraumesta@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 krotra@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 laivinge@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 loreta2002@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 Metforsa@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 N.Lomakina@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 nrifas@takas.lt

.1.5 uab.revi@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 remargas@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 vidmantas@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 navigint@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 mitrada@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 masvilat@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 Maretas@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 malena@takas.lt

250 2.1.5 turizmoasoc@takas.

October 12, 2003


Some critics for americans from them own.

от 38С колбасит похоже как от 0,125 грамм

Летом, когда нашли тарзанку на зелёных, Миха сказал: "Как такой кабан может чем-нибудь болеть?". Итак, я могуч - выдержал 4часовую трешу с каким-то ябаным вирусом%)

October 9, 2003

Profile education

Profile education has been practiced in Lithuania just for a few years. The idea is that you can choose a course list that best fits your dream about future career. In my school we were given a choise of four: science, arts, humanities and technical studies. As most popular lists were science and humanities, arts and technical education classes weren't formed.
In my opinion, profile studing is silly and hopeless to bring in the society anyone exept non-thinking bolts for the thoughtless, dump, old system to work. Optionally, in each class we rewise badly memorised some years ago. IMHO, more than half of my time spent in school I have wasted (as I have only one life it hurts). Firstly, we could have given more knowledge in early clases, because much time were spent on learning by heart things that weren't rewised for a long time, and in higher classes we were told that we had to know more than we even remembered about. Secondly, for many subjects one task is true: too few plactice that could help to understand what we have leart more 'in common'. Finally, fundation for the education was lowered and we had to learn one or two years longer and for our goverment a profile system was as an excuse, also covered with idea by a progress to the 'high', GOOD Western model then this problem (bolts etc)has already been intriguing people there for years.
And you know what? i do not feel more comfortable studying according to the system - I came to the line then you just don't give a fuck of system, of the idea and get what you want without giving anything back, because you can't improve anything without money or respect, that pupil (one, i don't talk about screaming, angry crowd that often also dosen't fulfil it's ambitions) don't has from school administration. Besides, noone sees a reason to move a finger, until system makes him scream (as it was with me some years ago) or things aren't connected with laizyness, traditions (for examples many will prepare the school to the teachers day; go to rehearsals preparing to the languages day etc but noone will loke round to improve anything if it haven't done before and is assumed as GOOD work).
I don't care of it now, but one aspect of profile teaching system worries me - exams. They can ruin my life or keep my in the education system. And I need to stay in this dirty system, beacause in this world it higher my predatorian ability to survive.

October 8, 2003

Transmetropolian Ideas 1

We may have been crazed, strange and entirely too eager to find new things to have sex with - but we went out to preserve great chunks of this planet's cultures and we damned well did it with same style

October 5, 2003

Preliudija:Lietuvos Dienoraščių rašytojams

Ačiū už jūsų visų weblogų atvaizdus. neklausdamas jūsų (deje jau 21,48) nunešiu juos į mokyklaą referatui apie weblogus. žiūrėsim kas bus. Ačiū už jūsų weblogus. Labanakt

October 2, 2003

Windows Installer

Jei kada turesit problemu su msi.dll
Install Shield vadinas 'Windows Instaler' ir ji galima rasti:
Windows Installer 2