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June 17, 2005

pabegeliai / refugees

kaip cia su tais pabegeliais? galima jiems tarkim i tokia Lietuva "atbegti", turetu jiem buti suteikta pagalba, ar ne, nes mes ir taip savu problemu turim ...?

jei neteko buti pabegele, nepraleisk progos patyleti komentaruose, ir savaitgali tiesiog susirask zmoniu, kurie dabar apsiave pabegelio batus.. ka , gali daryti, jei jau nusprendei, kad turi laiko tokiem dalykam.

how about the refugees? should they be able to come to lithuania, should they receive aid, or rather not, because we have so many own problems to deal with ...?

if you haven't been a refugee, don't miss an opportunity to keep rather silent in the comments. instead of that look for people this weekend who are now in refugees shoes...

if you happen to have decided to have time for such things, this is what you also can do

Posted by alijosius at June 17, 2005 10:15 AM


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