November 10, 2005

9 p.m. i'm a monster

i was walking through pilies street. it was about 9 p.m., but there were few people only. i liked that, cause i was thinking about things. walking slowly. nowhere to rush. i stopped to put cookies into the backpack. i was thinking about things. doing everything slowly. nowhere to rush. 'hey, may you help me?', she said. a beggar girl standing in front of me. she looked sad, she smelt bad. she was young and hopeless. 'may you give some coins?'. i took out my money. it was 3,5 litas. i gave her 50 cents. 'can i ask you a question then?' - i said, - 'what is the meaning of your life?'. ' i...' - she didn't know what to say. i felt stupid. she started to whimp. i lost myself, thursted her all the money i had and i ran away fast. when i stopped, i felt like a monster, with nowhere to rush.

Posted by xdirtx at November 10, 2005 12:23 AM

i ran away

Posted by: oblius at November 10, 2005 1:14 AM

taip ir itariau kad kazhkas ishaugineja iw ankstyvojo "niekas nerupi be anarchijos" rubo.

Posted by: naivus at November 11, 2005 1:42 AM

tavo komentai kazkaip buna nesuprantami.
bent jau as nesupratau nei ka norejai pasakyt apie majoneza, nei ka nori sakyt cia.

rubai keiciasi, tam jie ir rubai.
svarbu koks esi nuogas.

jei rimtai manai apie 'niekas nerupi' tai itarinek toliau. gal kada nors pataikysi.

Posted by: xdirtx at November 11, 2005 5:21 PM