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June 2012 Archives

June 27, 2012

I love this country with its imperfections
Unemployment banded with corruption
Extremists kicking shit out of each other
And the papers say, it's only getting worse!

We're all going to Greenland
When the missiles fly above our heads
We're all going to Greenland
When the churchyards? happen in our beds
We're all going to Greenland
We're all going to Greenland
When the tanks go rolling over London

I love this country and respect it's tribal laws
Fictional pride on through to civil war
I can cut my hair and change my uniform
But when you turn your back I forget whose side I'm on!

We're all going to Greenland
When the missiles fly above our heads
We're all going to Greenland
When the germ starts?? happen in our beds
We're all going to Greenland
We're all going to Greenland
When the tanks go rolling over London

We're all going to Greenland
When the missiles fly above our heads
We're all going to Greenland
When the earthquakes? happen in our beds
We're all going to Greenland
We're all going to Greenland
When the tanks go rolling over London
We're all going to Greenland
We're all going to Greenland
We're all going to Greenland
We're all going to Greenland
When the tanks go rolling over London
When the tanks go rolling over London
When the tank--


About June 2012

This page contains all entries posted to storge in June 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2012 is the previous archive.

September 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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