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May 2011 Archives

May 6, 2011

Plain English

Osama bin Laden was not killed by American or Pakistani forces on May 1, 2011. His daughters and wives were not taken prisoner. His laptops and DVDs were not seized, are not encrypted and do not contain information about a nuclear bomb hidden in a major European city or a plan to attack American trains on September 11, 2011. The whole story is a sham. CIA agent Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden died in late December of 2001 of health complications.

The US, France, Great Britain are not bombing Libya with depleted uranium to support peaceful protestors against the socialist government of Muamar Khadaffi. They are attempting to aid a coup d'etat by al Qaeda aka CIA forces in Eastern Libyra armed by the US and Great Britain.

The Federal Reserve Bank, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and all private central banks are a simple pyramid scheme. Their currency is the scam.

Jews do not rule the world. An elite cabal of Jews in Israel do not rule the world. An elite cabal of Jews in Great Britain do not rule the world. An alliance of US and Israeli Jews do not rule the world. Jewish bankers don't rule the world, although some would like to. The Protocols of the Elders of Sion is a proven fake. It was born out of the Dreyfuss Affair in France, translated to Russian by Okhrana eager to service the Tsar's pet theory of Jews being behind all revolutionary forces arrayed against him.

Lithuania is full of rabid neo-Nazis. Not patriots, not youth filled with national pride. Neo-Nazis. They are not susceptible to rational argument. Some of them have no idea they are involved in the neo-Nazi movement, but they are. They will engage in ever greater violence until they are stopped by force. The state is not prepared to exert that force. The state is infiltrated by old-time Nazis and neo-Nazis at all levels. Adamkus was a Nazi, served under Nazi command in Lithuania. No one noticed. It's too dangerous to notice. Interpol was founded by Nazis. SEB was founded by a Swedish fascist. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, was founded by Nazis and their friends abroad. The Vatican issued passports and rescued Nazi war criminals after the war. Bilderberg was founded by Nazis. The Nazis took their symbol, the swastika, from the Illuminati, who used it in their Eastern Brethren wing, designed to create a United States of Europe. The swastika is not a folk symbol. It was, once, in the neolithic.

All people who consider themselves nationalists are deluded at multiple levels. The first level of delusion is that the state exists outside their own imaginations. The next level is that they belong to that state. The next level is that their identity is somehow mythically entwined with this imaginary entity. There is no state, there is no nation. It's an hallucination.

Paradox is an overused word. How would you describe a state--a mythical construction--where the titular head of state is gay, democratically elected, but the society who elected him or her claim regularly in opinion polls to oppose gay rights? On the level of myth, what words characterize such a "state"?

What do you call a European Union with a central bank but no treasury?

There are no right or wrong answers here, and the first word that pops into your head is as good as twelve hours spent consulting thesauri, CIA factbooks and/or wikipedia.

While Lithuanian neo-Nazis plan violent attacks against antifa film fests on facebook (fff=666), facebook is installing viri deep within their browsers and windows system files and registry, tracking and tracing them as they track and trace. No one ever accused the neo-Nazis of being very clever.

About May 2011

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