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Enero 23, 2005
salon.com apie robokarius, kurie važiuos į iraką:
Military officials like to compare the roughly three-foot-high robots favorably to human soldiers: They don't need to be trained, fed or clothed. They can be boxed up and warehoused between wars. They never complain. And there are no letters to write home if they meet their demise in battle.
A typical soldier who could hit a target the size of a basketball from 300 meters away could hit a target the size of a nickel with the SWORDS, according Quinn.
The better accuracy stems largely from the fact that its gun is mounted on a stable platform and fired electronically, rather than by a soldier's hands, according to Staff Sgt. Santiago Tordillos of the EOD Technology Directorate at Picatinny. Gone are such issues as trigger recoil, anticipation problems, and pausing the breathing cycle while aiming a weapon.
...sako, pigiau kariauti. kariauti šiaip brangus užsiėmimas :)
Posted by kpmg at Enero 23, 2005 12:17 PM
anoks cia "robotas" juk radio bangom valdomu masineliu robotais nevadinam?
these are not the autonomous killer robots of science fiction. A SWORDS robot shoots only when its human operator presses a button
ne kurgi tai tik biomechanine zudymo masina. idomu koks realiai jausmas tokiam "zaidime".
vis laukiu kada prades kariaut robotai su portatyviom hologramu sistemom ir rimtais neuroniniais procesoriais na ir bent kiek autonomiski. kogero vis dar neuztenka pinigu naikint tokia technika. geriau gyva mesa.
Posted by: o ne! at Enero 24, 2005 01:15 AM
Ko is verbio apsiskalbus taip greit per sniegus pabegai? As net issigandes ka susalsi su sunkiais slapiais skalbiniais, i markucius vaziavau, bet matyt nekeliu ejai. Reikejo tik svilptelt i virsu.
Posted by: vycka at Enero 24, 2005 06:19 AM