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January 23, 2005

The silent fish

Once upon a time there was a fish named William. He was very very very very clever. He could be silent in ten languages: English, French, Hottentot, Portuguese, Russian, german, Italian, Welsh, Chinese and Swedish. And always, before he was silent in any language, he went, ‘Brlp,’ and popped a little bubble of air from his mouth to the top of the water.
The other fish were impressed. ‘Oh, William,’ the said, ‘please be silent in English.’ ‘Brlp,’ went William and was silent.
Then they said, ‘Oh, William, please be silent in Frensh.’
‘Brlp!’ went William and was silent.
Then they said, ‘Oh, William, please be silent in Hottentot.’
‘Brlp!’ went William and was silent.
‘Be silent in Portuguese,’ they said,
‘Brlp,’ went William and was silent. The other fishes were pleased.
‘Now, William, be silent in Russian, ‘ they said.
‘Brpl!’ went William and was silent.
‘Now, German.’
‘Now, Italian.’
‘Oh, William! Now, Welsh. We’re sure you can’t be silent in Welsh.
‘Brlp!’ went William and was silent.
‘Now,’ said the other fishes, ‘dear William, you are clever.’
‘Brlp!’ went William and was silent. ‘Brlp! Brlp! Brlp!’ He was very happy fish.

Donald Bisset

sokratiskas klausimelis - kaip sekesi sesija?

Posted by alijosius at January 23, 2005 01:40 AM


galetu pas tamstele fontas but kiek didesnis, nes dabar kaskart tenka didintis.. =)

Posted by: Chionsas at January 23, 2005 01:55 PM

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